
Just yet another school project.

Primary LanguageJava


Just yet another school project.

project created using Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)

usage: vegenere
 -d,--decrypt          decrypt a file
 -e,--encrypt          encrypt a file
 -f,--from <arg>       sepcify location of input file
 -h,--help             print this message
 -p,--password <arg>   password to be used
 -t,--to <arg>         sepcify location of output file
 -v,--verbose          show more message

or use interactive text menu

Wellcome to use VigenereCipher!
	1. set palintext file name (current: plaintext.txt)
	2. set password (current: 0000)
	3. set ciphertext file name (current: ciphertext.txt)
	4. encrypt
	5. decrypt