
Yet another todo app in django - for testing purposes.

Primary LanguagePython


Test app for my CI/CD project (Pull N Pray). This was based on a training/presentation I gave at work called 'a quick intro to Django', which I've included here: A quick intro to Django-v3.docx

First time setup

Before you begin, create a python virtual environment.

python3.11 -m venv venv

Keep your environments seperate for each application.

Activate the venv

source venv/bin/activate

Install the necessary packages with

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to configure gunicorn, by making a file called gunicorn_config.py in the config directory (an example file is provided in that directory).

Command needs to point to where gunicorn is installed.

command = '~/venv/bin/gunicorn'

Python Path needs to point to your django project.

pythonpath = '~/dev/todo'

Environmental config

You should generate a secret key and put it in a file in the root of the project called '.env', like so: SECRET_KEY = ''

There are various ways to generate this value, I suggest:

python -c "from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())"

Set this to whatever your domain name is: MY_HOST = "my-app.example.com"

I suggest this for the static assets folder, but you can use whatever you like: STATIC_ASSETS_FOLDER = "var/www/static/"

Don't source control '.env'! - this is are your environment-specific (and secret) settings.


Once you've installed this app locally and set up your reverse proxy to it, you should be able to access it with:


Of course, you can install it as a service, or just run it in the background - it's up to you.