
Dart Web API Template Using Google Shelf Framework and Postgres Drivers, read readme to learn how to use

Primary LanguageDart

Shelf Web Framework Template

by Alex Merced of AlexMercedCoder.com

Cloning the Template

git clone https://github.com/AlexMercedCoder/DartShelfPostgresTemplate.git projectName

or if you have NPM

npx degit AlexMercedCoder/DartShelfPostgresTemplate#main projectName

Folder Structure

  • server.dart: the entry file that kick starts the server

  • cors.dart: The cors header, add this into your responses like in the existing routes

  • controllers: folder for holding routers, HomeController has the main router and you can following the patter display by TestController to mount additonal routers.

Deployment to Heroku using Heroku CLI

  • create a git repo and commit your project

    • git init
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "first commit"
  • heroku create projectName

  • heroku config:set DART_SDK_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/stable/release/2.12.1/sdk/dartsdk-linux-x64-release.zip

  • heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/igrigorik/heroku-buildpack-dart.git

  • heroku config:set DART_BUILD_CMD="./dart-sdk/bin/dart compile exe web/server.dart"

  • git push heroku master

  • API Deployed!!

Heroku Database Setup

Setting Up The Database

  • head to the heroku dashboard for your project

  • go to the resources tab

  • provision a free heroku postgres database

  • go the database dashboard, under settings you'll find the database credentials

  • use those credentials to add the following heroku config vars

  • you'll see a command like this that will let us access the psql shell for the database so we can create our table. heroku pg:psql postgresql-objective-XXXX --app projectname

  • create your tables

  • in connection.dart add useSSL in the list of arguments this.conn = PostgreSQLConnection(host, port, database, username: username, password: password, useSSL: true); and push your code again your api will be deployed!


Environment Variables for Database Settings


These can be changed in connection.dart

the test.dart file in connection folder is a good tool for testing out database queries and your models


A Sample model is in the models folder that you can copy to create your own by modifying their methods as needed.

follow the patterns in initiateModel and the /getall route in testController to see how to use your model in your routes.


I'm using the raw postgres drivers, so no migrations. So you'll need to create the database and tables for your models to work.