Spark/Dremio Environment on your Laptop

Some Blogs Covering Similar Exiercises:

With Nessie/Minio/Dremio

Pre-Reqs: Docker & Docker-Compose installed

Step 1 - The docker-compose.yml

Fork & Clone this repo to your local environment. In this repo you'll find a docker-compose.yml file with the following:

version: "3"

  # Nessie Catalog Server Using In-Memory Store
    image: projectnessie/nessie:latest
    container_name: nessie
      - 19120:19120
  # Minio Storage Server
    image: minio/minio:latest
    container_name: minio
      - MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin
      - MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
      - MINIO_DOMAIN=storage
      - MINIO_REGION_NAME=us-east-1
      - MINIO_REGION=us-east-1
      - 9001:9001
      - 9000:9000
    command: ["server", "/data", "--console-address", ":9001"]
  # Dremio
    platform: linux/x86_64
    image: dremio/dremio-oss:latest
      - 9047:9047
      - 31010:31010
      - 32010:32010
    container_name: dremio
  # Spark
    platform: linux/x86_64
    image: alexmerced/spark35notebook:latest
      - 8080:8080  # Master Web UI
      - 7077:7077  # Master Port
      - 8888:8888  # Notebook
      - AWS_REGION=us-east-1
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=admin #minio username
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password #minio password

    container_name: spark

The docker-compose.yml will define all the pieces you need in your lakehouse which will include:

  • Nessie: Catalog with Git-Like functionality for Apache Iceberg tables

  • Minio: S3 Compliant Object Storage software to act as our data lake storage.

  • Dremio: Data Lakehouse platform to provide an easy to use and fast point of access for the Apache Iceberg tables stored on Nessie/Minio and other sources we connect.

  • Spark: Spark 3.5 running as a single node with a Jupyter Notebook Server running on the same container.


Open up a terminal in the same folder as this docker-compose.yml file and run the command

# latest versions of docker-desktop
docker compose up

# older versions
docker-compose up

This will create all the containers specified in our docker-compose.yml if you ever need to shut them down in another terminal in the same folder just run:

docker compose down
## or
docker-compose down

NOTE: To access the Jupyter Notebook server you need to look at the Docker-Compose output

Step 2 - Setting up our storage bucket

  • Open up an internet browser

  • Visit minio at http://localhost:9001

  • login with the username: admin and the password: password (these were specified in the docker-compose.yml)

  • Create a bucket, let's call it warehouse

Step 3 - Connect Dremio to Data Lake

Adding Minio as a storage source

  • To add the object storage as a source, select "s3" as a source
    • Enter "admin" as your access key and "password" as your secret key
    • make sure that "compatibility mode" is checked
    • add the following connection properties
      • to true
      • fs.s3a.endpoint to minio:9000

Adding Nessie as a Metastore source

  • Open up a new internet browser tab

  • Visit Dremio at http://localhost:9047

  • Fill out the form to create your account

  • Then on the dashboard choose to connect a new source

  • Select Nessie as your new source

There are two sections we need to fill out, the general and storage sections:

General (Connecting to Nessie Server)
Storage Settings
(So Dremio can read and write data files for Iceberg tables)
  • For your access key, set “admin”
  • For your secret key, set “password”
  • Set root path to “/warehouse” Set the following connection properties:
    • to true
    • fs.s3a.endpoint to minio:9000
    • dremio.s3.compat to true
  • Uncheck “encrypt connection” (since our local Nessie instance is running on http)

Testing it Out

  • Head to the SQL Runner on Dremio

  • Run the following SQL statements

CREATE TABLE nessie.names (name varchar);
INSERT INTO nessie.names VALUES ('Gnarly the Narwhal');
SELECT * FROM nessie.names;
  • Go explore you storage on minio, you should see all the Apache Iceberg data & metadata stored in your warehouse bucket.