
I have competed in Google Hash Code 2020 within the Compiler Terror team. The other team members were:

  • Vlad Stejeroiu
  • Victor Ciobanu
  • Andrei Predi

We managed to submit a solution which scored 22.905.320 and we were ranked in the top 28% of the competition. The individual scores were :

  • a_example : 21
  • b_read_on : 5,822,900
  • c_incunabula : 5,467,966
  • d_tough_choices : 4,815,395
  • e_so_many_books : 3,825,649
  • f_libraries_of_the_world : 2,973,389

After the competiion, in the Extended Round, I have improved our solution and managed to get 26.581.754, score that placed us in the top 17%. You can see the optimization in the OptimizedWorld class. The new scores are :

  • d_tough_choices : 5,028,010
  • e_so_many_books : 5,034,497
  • f_libraries_of_the_world : 5,227,905