
Send keys in rhythm to the active window. Used for pianos like https://virtualpiano.net/.

Primary LanguagePython


Send keys in rhythm to the active window. Used for pianos like https://virtualpiano.net/. Change the "music" string to alter what the program plays. Every note is played at quarter a beat at the bpm (tempo). Spaces are a quarter rest. F4 pauses the music, F5 stops the music entirely.


" " = A quarter rest.

" | " = A half rest.

"[abc]" or "{abc}" = A chord of notes, wherein each letter (a, b, c) equates to a note (in thise case: b, a, f).

Letters and numbers correspond to notes (see letter index for more). Capital letters (and number equivalents) are a half-note above the "lowercase" version (e.g. q = f, Q = f#; 1 = c, ! = c#).

For compatibility with certain scores:

  • {} are converted to []
  • Newlines (\n) are converted to " "
  • "-" are removed (i.e. converted to "")
  • "-\n" (dashes with newlines) are removed (i.e. converted to "")
  • " - " are converted to "   " (three quarter rests)

Letter index

Letter Note
1 c
! c#
2 d
@ d#
3 e
4 f
$ f#
5 g
% g#
6 a
^ a#
7 b
8 c
* c#
9 d
( d#
0 e
q f
Q f#
w g
W g#
e a
E a#
r b
t c
T c#
y d
Y d#
u e
i f
I f#
o g
O g#
p a
P a#
a b
s c
S c#
d d
D d#
f e
g f
G f#
h g
H g#
j a
J a#
k b
l c
L c#
z d
Z d#
x e
c f
C f#
v g
V g#
b a
B a#
n b
m c