
First, you need python:

You then need to install 3 dependencies, listed in requirements.txt

To get those, go to the CMD in windows (search + "CMD") (if you're on MAC and don't know how to use the command line there, I'm sorry, I don't know either)

then type the following:

cd [path name of where you installed this, e.g. C:\User\Downloads\find-a-grave-main]
pip install requirements.txt


run it using the run.bat in the folder

when asked for the starting position, if you don't know any just press enter or type 0 and press enter.

if you've run the program before, a log is created at log[date].txt, where you can find the point you left off at: type that in at this point to begin from there and append to the output.


ouput is located in a folder that is created once you run this program, output/confirmed_dead.csv. In the CSV are the people who had returned matches from searching the person's name on

if you run the program again, it will append to this file, even if you run it from the very start again, so if you want to replace this file DELETE IT FIRST then run the program again.


now uses the MI method from


Now will check the MI website to see if the person IS a registered voter.