
Authors: 1.Alex Nduta 2.Fortunate Mugendi

HEADER FILE #ifndef SHELL_H #define SHELL_H #include <sys/wait.h>

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h>

extern char **environ; int main(void); void execute(char **argv); char *which(char *cmd); size_t get_l(char **line, size_t *len, FILE *stream); char *get_input(const char *prompt); void free_tkn(char **tokens); char **tokenizer(const char *input, const char *delimiters); void exec_cmd(char **tokens);


SHELL UNDERSTANDING a shell is a program that provides a command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with an operating system (OS) or its services. our program is an emulation of the BASH SHELL with a simple implementattion.

Main Function

  • it is the starting point for program execution.

Execve Function -it executes a program in the current process. It replaces the current process's memory space with a new program, effectively loading and running the specified executable file.

Get_1 Function(custom getline function)

  • it accept a string from the input stream as an reads a full line from a stream. It reads and stores the newline character as part of the string.

Free_tkn Function

  • It frees the memory allocated for the tokens array, which is a dynamically allocated array of strings. It iterates through the array, freeing the memory for each string element and then frees the memory for the array itself.

Tokenizer Function

  • It parses user input into individual tokens based on specified delimeters. It takes a user input string and a set of delimeters as input and returns a pointer to an array of parsed tokens.

Exec_cmd Function

  • executes parsed commands. It takes a pointer to an array of parsed tokens as input and executes the command specified by the tokens.

Get_input Function

  • It collects user input using a custom getline function. It takes a prompt as input which is displayed to the user before requesting input.

Which Function

  • It locates the path to a command specified by the user. It takes a command as input and returns a path to the command if it is found within the directories specified in the 'PATH' environment variable.

COMPILATION gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o hsh