- 1
Aim for 80% code coverage
#13 opened by AlexOlival - 1
UI/UX development
#9 opened by AlexOlival - 0
A User may edit their reminders
#15 opened by AlexOlival - 0
Move Profile page to a modal
#48 opened by AlexOlival - 1
A User may delete their reminders
#36 opened by AlexOlival - 0
- 0
- 0
Change Reminder periods
#41 opened by AlexOlival - 0
A User may delete its own account
#16 opened by AlexOlival - 0
Profile View
#34 opened by AlexOlival - 1
- 0
- 1
A User may view his own reminders
#11 opened by AlexOlival - 0
A User may invite guests to his reminders
#12 opened by AlexOlival - 0
A User may create Reminders (Front-End & UX)
#26 opened by AlexOlival - 0
Database Structure
#8 opened by JoaoFSCruz - 1
Basic UI styling
#10 opened by AlexOlival - 7
Documentation/Wiki, roadmap?
#7 opened by JoaquimLey - 1
A User may create a reminder
#19 opened by AlexOlival