
A game made using OpenGL, GLFW, GLM and GLEW via Xcode

Primary LanguageC

Galatic Dragon

A game made in made using OpenGL, GLFW, GLM and GLEW via Xcode


Galatic Dragon


Galatic Dragon


  • Arrow Keys : moves dragon in direction of arrow key
  • [A] Roar : Dragon will roar!
  • [T] (SSAO) Toggle : Toggles screen between fog mode and SSAO mode
  • [Shift + T] (Cartoon) Toggle: Toggles screen between cartoon mode and (fog, SSAO modes)
  • [D] (Debug) : Must be pressed from cartoon mode; when pressed wireframes for the bounding boxes will be shown.
  • [L] (Rainbow) Toggle: Toggles screen between rainbow mode and (fog, SSAO modes)
  • [R] Reset : Resets the game

Techical Effects:

  • SSAO Shader Effect
  • Fog Effect
  • Bounding boxes + Collision Detection
  • Audio Effects
  • On-screen Text
  • Toon Shading
  • Phong Shading

Dependencies Included:

Dependencies included under /lib

  • glew-1.13.0
  • glfw-3.1.2
  • glm
  • freetype-2.6.3

Dependencies To Install:

  • Install the latest Boost (currently 1.60.0_2), via command:

      brew update
      brew install boost
  • To Make sure Boost 1.60.0_2 is installed, we want to check if the following directory exists via command:

      Expected result: /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.60.0_2/include/: is a directory
  • Install SDL2:

      1. Go to the website: https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php 
      2. Download runtime binaries and extract them.
      3. Drag the .framework and drop it into directory: /Library/Frameworks 
      4. cd into SDL2.framework
      5. Sign the framework via command: codesign -f -s - SDL2
      6. Link SDL2.framework in GameEngine.xcodeproj under Link binary with libraries
  • Install SDL2 Mixer:

      1. Go to the website: https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/
      2. Download runtime binaries and extract them.
      3. Drag the .framework and drop it into directory: /Library/Frameworks 
      4. cd into SDL2_mixer.framework
      5. Sign the framework via command: codesign -f -s - SDL2_mixer
      6. Link SDL2_mixer.framework in GameEngine.xcodeproj under Link binary with libraries
  • Link Freetype2 in Xcode:

      Since the header seach path is configured already, you'll just have to:
      1. Find libfreetype.dylib in either: /usr/X11/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib or /opt/X11/lib/libfreetype.dylib
      2. Drag libfreetype.dylib or libfreetype.6.dylib into Link binary with libraries section in GameEngine.xcodeproj 

Compile and Run:

To configure and run on xcode: edit scheme -> Options -> check 'Use custome working directory' and point to the directory containing all the source code. Then the project should run without any problems.