Optical character Recognition using kmeans and neural network

Primary LanguagePython

Digit Segmentation and Recognition using OpenCV and MLP

Digit Segmentation and Classification Using MLP and OpenCV on GoogleStreetView Data Base

To Run:

    cd scripts

    python main.py


    python main.py SCALE_FACTOR         

To specify a SCALE_FACTOR. SCALE_FACTOR controls the frame size: frame size = frame size / SCALE_FACTOR. SCALE_FACTOR by default is 4

Usage During Run Time:

    Press 'c' to take a screen shot for analysis
    The corpped images are saved under directory: OCR/pics/cropped/

    Press 'q' or 'ESC' to quit

    Press '1' to increase resized video frame for analysis by 20px
    Press '2' to decrease resized video frame for analysis by 20px

Author: Chenxing Ouyang & Jiali Xie