
Extracts the specified web page info. Lumen, Guzzle, job queue, TDD, Heroku. Project 3 of https://hexlet.io courses.

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Web Page Analyzer


A simple website created using Lumen framework that extracts some information about the specified web page. The requests are processed using a job queue asynchronously.

Development setup

  1. Run make setup to generate .env file, create SQLite database, apply migrations.
  2. Run make run to launch web server (http://localhost:8000).
  3. Run make queue-daemon or make empty-queue to process the job queue.
  4. Run make lint test to run linter and tests.

See Makefile for other useful commands. Check out https://makefile.site if you are interested in this approach.

Heroku deployment

  1. Add postgres and php buildpack.
  2. Add APP_KEY (php artisan key:generate --show).
  3. Enable the worker for queue processing.