- 1
- 5
Can not disable default mapping
#106 opened by RutaTang - 4
leader leader j not working
#105 opened by Vozf - 2
map <Leader>n <Plug>(easymotion-bd-wl) doesn't work
#104 opened by baober90 - 0
color config
#102 opened by yunxiaoxiao11 - 1
Is there a way to configure accepted characters?
#101 opened by ninjarogue - 2
Easymotion does not take effect
#100 opened by DBeidachazi - 11
Instead of searching prints `symotion-s)`
#81 opened by ntrp - 1
Custom mapping not loaded on startup
#99 opened by matthjes - 2
- 1
<leader><leader>w enters visual mode & highlights the text upto selected character
#98 opened by marko-z - 2
Why overwindow is unsupported?
#90 opened by MannyFay - 2
Tags longer than necessary
#95 opened by bmurauer - 2
Trouble building the project
#94 opened by tejabalu - 5
Jump to declaration
#85 opened by ris58h - 1
- 3
Easymotions not working in split-tab view
#92 opened by tanmaychimurkar - 1
Suddenly stopped working
#87 opened by codercodingthecode - 4
Jump also selects text
#86 opened by introom - 4
- 3
The 1.7 version is incompatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.3, IdeaVim 1.10.1, and AceJump 3.8.7 now
#76 opened by cychen2021 - 4
ideavim doesn't work.
#79 opened by kiddoliu - 2
- 11
- 3
- 12
Disabling default key mappings does not work
#52 opened by martindzejky - 1
- 0
can support edit with easymotion
#62 opened by ifnk - 4
- 1
marks appear slow and lag when jump
#39 opened by zyf0330 - 2
acejump 3.7.1 and pycharm error
#55 opened by BXBaskershu - 3
- 2
- 0
Suggestions missing sometimes
#48 opened by Vozf - 1
#43 opened by qwIvan - 1
- 1
disabling mappings
#38 opened by mario-mazo - 1
How can I remap (easymotion-f)?
#32 opened by ericrobinsondev - 1
Line motions don't work for me - easymotion-sl
#44 opened by tommyc38 - 1
cursor bug
#42 opened by buyou0821 - 1
Disable Text Selection
#37 opened by fredfortier - 2
Cannot map <leader> to <space> Key.
#36 opened by nkgrnkgr - 3
Not working `Ctrl + [` as `Esc`
#33 opened by ganyariya - 8
what's the default leader key?
#35 opened by huahuayu - 1
possibility to implement vim sneak ?
#34 opened by xiaoouwang - 12
Still doesn't understand how it works
#16 opened by Oliveiras - 1
- 2
Region you jump over gets selected
#24 opened by prasant94 - 4
mapleader with comma doesn't work
#14 opened by Zeta611 - 2
leader +w problem
#15 opened by amazingXiong