
Reminder demo app for class

Primary LanguageSwift


Reminder demo app for class

Project Description

You are going to build a reminder app that will run on an iPod Touch (iOS 9.2.1). You can use the iPhone 5 option in the Xcode simulator for testing.

Things your app must have:

  • When the app starts up, the user should be presented with a blank list that will eventually populated with reminder items.
  • There should be an obvious (+) button (or something similar) to add a new reminder item.
  • When you tap the add button, a new screen should appear that allows you to create a new reminder item.
  • A reminder item should have (at a minimum): a title, a description, and a date and time that it is due.
  • After the item is added, the app should go back to the list screen, where the new item should appear.
  • In the list, you should be able to see the title and due date and time.
  • Items should be in order with the next upcoming item at the top of the list.
  • Tapping on an item brings up the information screen where you can edit it.
  • Swiping left on the time brings up a Delete button to remove the item.
  • If the due time of an item occurs while the app is open, you should (at a minimum) show a pop up that shows the item and allows the user to dismiss the item or postpone it.
  • If the user postpones the item, it should set the reminder time of that item to one hour later.
  • The app must handle device rotation appropriately.

The app DOES NOT need to show the reminder alert if the app is not open.

The app DOES NOT need to remember items from one run to the next.