
This utility is made to compile .lua files for the MTA:SA.

This is the ideological successor to the MTA Resource Tool. But it is a lot more user friendly. Also, it can be used on any system(the MTA Resource Tool used .exe binary). As a drawback, this script uses official online API for this, because unix version of luac_mta(that thing that actually "compiles" scripts) is broken and nobody wants to fix it.


First, install all packets.

npm install

Run script without any arguments and it will list all options and usage example.

node index.js

The only required arguments is --res [folder] or -r in short form. This is the path to the resource.

With --backup [folder] or -b you can specify where your resources will be saved before any operations. They will be saved as original folder name + current timestamp.

With --del or -d you can turn on deletion of original .lua files, works only when backup option is set. This is especially useful for any kind of CI/CD pipeline.

meta.xml will be edited automatically, .lua will be changed to .luac


This will compile resource in resourceFolder, save the original to the backup/ and delete original .lua files.

node index.js -r resourceFolder -b backup -d