STM32 is a modern family of MCUs produced by STMicroelectronics that is widely used in research, consumer and industrial electronics. STM32 microcontrollers are quite powerful and cheap, but impose initial barriers to get started quickly.
The purpose of the course is to overcome these barries and steadily get into the topic. This course will help to develop basic understanding of Cortex-M0 core and STM32F0 peripherals.
To get to the content of lectures and supplementary materials for the course, refer to Wiki page.
If you need just a template project, refer to Blank project.
In progress
All supplementary materials and teaching are delivered by
- Edgar Kaziakhmedov - all main track lectures, labs, articles
- Vladislav Molodtsov - mentor, articles, administration stuff
- Ilya Levitskiy - mentor, labs, articles
- Viktor Prutyanov - mentor
- Dmitry Zyuzin - mentor
- Phillip Mikoyan - administration stuff