A console application for reading work logs from a .CSV file and sending that log to Jira. Log format:
- start_time - in 24h format hh:mm. Example: 09:45
- issue_id - human id. Example: SSP-942
- end_time - in 24h format hh:mm. Example: 15:02
- comment - any single line text. Optional
Requires python 3.10.
usage: jlog.py [-h] -j JIRA_URL -f FILEPATH [-e ENCODING] -u USER [-p PASSWORD] [-d START_DATE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j JIRA_URL, --jira-url JIRA_URL
jira base URL
-f FILEPATH, --filepath FILEPATH
path to target CSV file with logs
-e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
encoding of the target CSV file
-u USER, --user USER jira username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
jira password. Default: prompted
-d START_DATE, --start-date START_DATE
start date in format 'dd.mm.yyyy'. Default: current date
python -m jlog -j https://jira.my.lab -f "C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\log.csv" -u myname