- This package allow you to set up a backend API using node.js & mongodb in 2 minutes
- An Universal RESTful CRUD API for dynamic multiple collections of mongodb (database tables) with Node.js and Express.js, we DO NOT need to code the CRUD route/controller for each collection/table anymore.
- Designed to run on Serverless environment, such as AWS Lambda, Azure, Google, NetLify, Vercel
- Universal MEAN API stands for MongoDB(M) + Express.js(E) + Universal CRUD API(A) + Node.js(N)
- All schemas and api routes can define in ONE file: api.config.js (No need to create mongodb collection beforehand)
- Come with a react-admin demo
- Support field search(=, %like%, full-text) and some json-sever standard parameters: _sort, _order, _start, _end, _limit, _like, _gte, _lte, id=1,2,3,4,5
- npm install universal-mean-api
- Demo: https://k2qt3w8a07.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/dev/api/posts
- AWS Lambda Code example is here
- Change the serverless.yml before deploy
- You need remove - "node_modules/**" from the exclude in serverless.yml if you want to deploy node_modules together
- You can upload a nodejs layer instead of deploy node_modules every time
- create_lambda_layer.sh can be used to create a node_modules layer
- Change config/meanapi.config.js
- Add DB environment via aws lambda UI
- Done
- Demo: https://meanapi.netlify.app/
- NetLify serverless function Code example is here
- Change netlify/functions/meanapi/meanapi.config.js
- Change the netlify.toml if need
- According to some research, the Netlify Functions cannot access the Env Variables from netlify.toml. So, Please set up below environment variables from the Netlify website UI manually: DB = "YOUR-MONGODB-URI" API_BASE = ".netlify/functions/.netlify/functions/meanapi/" API_CONFIG_FILE = "/var/task/src/functions/meanapi/meanapi.config.js"
- Demo: https://meanapi.vercel.app/
- Vercel function Code example is here
- Change config/meanapi.config.js
- Change the vercel.json if need
- You only need create 2 js files after install: server.js & meanapi.config.js
- Then run command: node server.js to see the result
- Done!
- The file structure example:
/meanapi.config.js or /config/meanapi.config.js or /config/api.config.js
- Basic example code for server.js:
const { app, serverless, API_CONFIG } = require("universal-mean-api");
module.exports.lambdaHandler = serverless(app); // handler for serverless function
} else {
app.listen(app.get('config').PORT, () => {
console.log(`API is running on port ${API_CONFIG.PORT}.`);
- Basic example of meanapi.config.js (API variables & MongoDB schemas & routes)
module.exports.DB = process.env.DB || 'please-set-database-connect-uri-first';
module.exports.API_BASE = process.env.API_BASE || 'api/';
module.exports.PORT = process.env.PORT || '8080';
module.exports.CORS_ORIGIN = process.env.CORS_ORIGIN || [/localhost/, /\.test$/];
module.exports.IS_SERVERLESS = !!(process.env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT || process.env.AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME);
module.exports.API_SCHEMAS = [
"apiRoute": "test1",
"collectionName": "test1",
"schema": {
name: String,
description: String,
type: String,
gender: String,
dob: Date,
userId: { type: Number, required: [true, 'userId is required.'] }
"mongooseOption": { timestamps: true, strict: false },
"searchFields": ["name", "description", "type"],
"apiRoute": "test2",
"collectionName": "test2",
"schema": {
title: {
type: String,
required: [true, 'Title is required.']
description: String,
age: {
type: Number,
min: [18, 'Too young'],
max: 80
"mongooseOption": { timestamps: true, strict: true },
"searchFields": ["description", "title"],
"apiRoute": "test3",
"collectionName": "test3",
"schema": {
address: String,
description: String
"mongooseOption": { timestamps: false, strict: false },
"searchFields": ["address"],
- Based on above example server.js & meanapi.config.js files, we can access the localhost:8080 by run command node server.js or nodemon server.js
- RESTful API endpoint for collection < tablename >: http://localhost:8080/api/< tablename >
- RESTful API endpoint for collection test1: http://localhost:8080/api/test1
- RESTful API endpoint for collection test2: http://localhost:8080/api/test2
- RESTful API endpoint for collection test3: http://localhost:8080/api/test3
- RESTful API endpoint support GET/POST/PUT/DELETE and fields search
GET http://localhost:8080/api/test1
GET http://localhost:8080/api/test1/<id>
POST http://localhost:8080/api/test1
PUT http://localhost:8080/api/test1/<id>
PATCH http://localhost:8080/api/test1/<id>
DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/test1/<id>
- GET /api/test1?name_like=mean&description_like=api
- GET /api/test1?age_lgt=18&_limit=20
- GET /api/test1?id=1&id=2&id=3
- GET /api/test1?id=1,2,3,4 or ?_id=1,2,3,4
- GET /api/test1?_sort=age&_order=dasc&_start=10&_end=20&name_like=api
- To include children resources, add _embed
- To include parent resource, add _expand
- e.g. /pets/5fcd8f4a3b755f0008556057?_expand=user,file|mainImageId&_embed=pets,stories
- _expand=user,file|mainImageId means get parent data from parent table users and files. it will use userId and fileId as the foreign key by default unless you set it by table|foreignKey. e.g. file|mainImageId, file is the singular table name and mainImageId is the foreignKey
- Only support the detail route at this moment, will add to the list route
ENABLE_AUTH: enable user auth check system or not
ENABLE_AUTH=true, all edit/delete/add(update/destroy/create) requests has to be the owner or admin
ENABLE_AUTH=false, test & debug mode, everyone can view/edit/delete
e.g. module.exports.ENABLE_AUTH = true;
USER_ROUTE: user table api endpoint route
e.g. module.exports.USER_ROUTE = 'users';
FIELD_USER_ID: the foreign key id in other tables to user id
e.g. module.exports.FIELD_USER_ID = 'userId';
by default all GET request no need check user auth
if we want enable auth check for a table/collection list/show GET request
set readRules for each table/collection like below
"readRules": { "checkAuth": true, "checkOwner": true }
e.g. CRUD for orders table/collection, need to login first to do anything, only the owner itself can view/add/edit/delete his/her orders
Who is admin? Set role field in users table to admin or xxxAdmin (any role value contains string "admin" will consider is an admin role)
e.g. role=webAdmin, role=admin, role=SuperAdmin, role=Dashboard Admin
admin has all permissions for now
- add/edit/delete request allow owner itself by default
- if you want set admin only for some system tables, e.g. settings, categories
- Add "writeRules": { "checkAdmin": true } to the schema settings in api.config.js
- Sometimes we want allow create item anonymous. e.g. a contact us form
- Add "writeRules": { "ignoreCreateAuth": true } to the schema settings in api.config.js
- NOTE: It still requires login if there is a _POST[userId] parameter for security reason
- edit/delete still requires owner or admin
- Sometimes we want create item privately. e.g. something is public while others is private, or private message & public comment
- Add "isPublic: Boolean" to the schema settings in api.config.js
- Set FIELD_PUBLIC = 'isPublic' and FIELD_TARGET_USER_ID = 'ownerId' to fit your needs
- The API will check if there is a isPublic field in the schema first, then check the current user or target user is match or not
- Example 1: a story set isPublic=false, means it is private. only the owner itself can view/edit it. Other users can not event list or view it.
- Example 2: a private message sent to userA from userB, only those two users both can view the message, however, only userB can edit/delete the message.
- selfUpdateFields only allow 1 increase/decrease self update unless use is admin
- "writeRules": { "selfUpdateFields": ["viewNum", "likeNum", "commentNum"] }
- Note: selfUpdateFields will exclude from owner itself update
- add or update request, returns the NEW item object if success
- list request, returns an array contains all item objects
- show/detail request, returns the item object if success
- delete request, the http status returns 200 if success
- npm install universal-mean-api
- npx nodemon server.js (or nodemon server.js)
- cd reactAdmin
- npm start
- Below example is add a custom /api/sitemap route to server.js
- It read data from collection posts and output a text format sitemap for google
const { app, API_CONFIG, db } = require("universal-mean-api");
// custom route start
app.get("/" + API_CONFIG.API_BASE + "sitemap", async (req, res, next) => {
const urls = await db["posts"]
.sort({ _id: -1 })
.then((data) => {
let urls = [];
data.map((item) => {
urls.push("https://your-website.com/posts/" + item.id);
return urls;
// custom route end
app.set("test1111", "/" + API_CONFIG.API_BASE + "sitemap");
app.listen(API_CONFIG.PORT, () => {
`Server is running on port ${API_CONFIG.PORT}. process.cwd()=` +