
Performance test of the https://github.com/F43nd1r/rhino-android (JS code, compiled to dalvik dx byte code instead of default Rhino's compildation to JVM byte code).

In order to test performance of interpreted (un-optimized) code vs compiled (optimized) code - simply change context.setOptimizationLevel(-1); to context.setOptimizationLevel(1); and wise-versa in the MainActivity.onCreate().

In order to install on device: ./gradlew installDebug

In ordet to un-install from device: adb uninstall com.thinotest.alex.rhinocompiledtest

P.S. looks like rhino-android is not very stable yet. E.g. When JS function was compiled and then it tries to compile it again after app re-start there are issues about duplicated/ missing jar. As work-around for testing ** do install** before new app installation/re-start.