
This is the trace of learning ES6 features.

Primary LanguageHTML

ES-6 study with code examples

Actually, this is a trace of my study adventure with ES-6 (ECMAScript 2015 or ES2015). Formally you will find observations, remarks and some questions here. Will be glad if you will answer them, maybe comment, any communication experience is cool.

My learning was based mainly on this material - https://babeljs.io/docs/en/learn and this - https://www.javascripttutorial.net/es6/ and on this - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference

and this of course ES-6 features by Luke Hoban

For younglings, newcomers and adventurers

You can use this repo simply by cloning it. And you do not need any development environments. It will work in any modern browser.

Here are some instructions for Linux.

Start your terminal (CTRL + ALT + T)

Install Git if it is not installed

sudo apt install git

Enter this command to clone repo:

git clone https://github.com/AlexVJack/es6_examples.git

This will create es6_examples dir in your Home directory. There you will find html files. Simply run them in your browser. But as this is a JavaScript, to see the result, you have to start developer tools in your browser (F12 button). To see the code press one of the links below or open files locally with some of the code editors.

List of themes

  1. Arrows and lexical this
  2. Classes
  3. Object Literal Syntax Extensions
  4. Template Strings
  5. Destructuring
  6. Default + Rest + Spread
  7. Let + Const
  8. Iterators + For..Of
  9. Generators
  10. Map + Set + WeakMap + WeakSet
  11. Proxies
  12. Symbols
  13. Math + Number + String
  14. Promises