
This repo is to quickly initialize the environment for Mac OSX and Linux, including some useful configurations and bash scripts.

Primary LanguagePerl


If you have root permission

$ ./init.sh

Linux users: This bash script will install packages declared in: ./configs/install.Linux

Mac users: This bash script will install packages declared in: ./configs/install.mac

This script will backup your configure files in: ~/.setting_backup/

This script will configure vim by using the repo: vimrc

If you do not have root permission

$ ./init_without_root.sh

This script will not install any packages

This script will not backup your configure files

This script will configure vim by using the repo: vimrc

Bash Features


The color schema is from Dusk@Xcode.

Linux users: Colors will be automatically set by init.sh, but this will only effective for default terminal.

Mac users: After running init.sh:

$ cd ./configs/macTerminalTheme
$ open Xcode_style.terminal

# following is not bash command
open termianl preference by: cmd + , 
click the Default in the lower left corner

Now, you should have the correct bash color theme for your mac terminal

Bash Functions

All bash functions are declared in ~/.bash_func

Bash Alias

All bash aliases are declared in ~/.bash_alias

Tmux Features

Tmux shortcut are defined in ~/.tmux.conf

Vim Features

Vim configure is in ~/.vim_runtime Custom configure is in ~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vim