This plugin makes searching and filtering in HTML tables. If cell has formated number values, plugin will transform them to simple number and will compare with the filter value. So if to enter in filter something like 1500, script will show rows with values like 1 500, 1500, 1,500, $1 500, %1 500 and so on.
Include the dependencies:
<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/filterForTable.js"></script>
$('table').filterForTable(); // basic usage
$('table').filterForTable({searchSelector: '.search-input'}); //selecting search input
$('table').filterForTable({option: 'value'}); Options list:
searchSelector - selecting search input Values ex.: '.search-input', 'input', 'input[name="search"]' Defaul: #searchInput
minChars - min cahrs count to start searching Values ex.: 1, 2, 3 Defaul: 1
minRows - min rows in talbe to search Values ex.: 1, 2, 3 Defaul: 1
emptyMsg - message that will be shown, when no rows will be found. Values ex.: 'Nothing found. Sorry...' Defaul: 'No data found'
emptyTrId - id for no empty message tr tag. Values ex.: 'empty-row' Defaul: 'filterForTableEmptyRow'
exceptClass - tr with choosen class will be excepted from filtering. Values ex.: 'red'
data-filter - if added data-filter option with value for td tag plugin will filter useing this value