
Cosmetica is an android project based on Firebsase Firestore. After graduating my master degree I wanted to share the application I've made to complete my second year, so other people can use it in a free way.

Primary LanguageJava


Cosmetica is an android project based on Firebsase Firestore.
After graduating my master degree I wanted to share the application I've made to complete my second year, so other people can use it in a free way.

Screenshot1 Screenshot2

Functions :

  • Register Page register.xml (Firebase Authentication)
  • Login Page login.xml : Using Facebook or Email&Password (Firebase Authentication)
  • Profile activity_profile.xml (ability to add or update profile's picture)
  • HomePage activity_home.xml : This is the main page where the newest products are listed, and also the categories.
  • Categories Page activity_categories.xml: This Page contains all categories of products.
  • Cart activity_cart.xml (Using TinyDB, based on SharedPreferences)
  • Orders activity_profile.xml : This page shows the shipped, in process and canceled orders.

Libraries Used:

Library Link
FancyButtons /medyo/Fancybuttons
CircleImageView /hdodenhof/CircleImageView
Glide /bumptech/glide
Android-Image-Slider /smarteist/android-image-slider

Developed By:

Karimi Amine
Contact me on : facebook