
Court and Tribunal Finder search

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Court and Tribunal Finder search


Set-up with Vagrant

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:ministryofjustice/courtfinder-search.git


courtfinder/courtfinder/settings/local.py.example to courtfinder/courtfinder/settings/local.py

In the project root run

vagrant up

This will provision a full development environment in a virtual machine, which include a postgres database.

Then run

vagrant ssh

Change to the courtfinder directory

cd courtfinder

Set up data

./manage.py populate-db

You can now run the Django web server

./manage.py runserver

NOTE: If you have to run vagrant up more than once you may get an error about conflicting portsi, usually port 8000. To resolve this on a mac run

lsof -i tcp:8000

to get the process number (pid), then kill it with

kill -9 <pid>

None vagrant set-up

This applies to OSX, but should be similar with any other Unix variant.

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:ministryofjustice/courtfinder-search.git

Next, create the environment and start it up:

virtualenv env --prompt=\(courtfinder-search\)

source env/bin/activate

Install python dependencies (ignore the warnings):

pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Install the test dependencies:

sudo apt install python-libxml2 python-libxslt1 python-dev

Install node packages, gulp and sass:

npm install
npm install gulp -g
npm install gulp --save-dev
gem install sass

Compile the static assets:


Setup postgres: create a user courtfinder with no password and create a database called courtfinder_search, which user courtfinder has owner and superuser rights:

psql template1
template1=> create user courtfinder login;
template1=> create database courtfinder_search;
template1=> alter database courtfinder_search owner to courtfinder;
template1=> alter user courtfinder with superuser;
template1=> \q

Create the database and put sample data in it:

cd courtfinder
./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py populate-db

Start the server:

./manage.py runserver

Testing and code coverage

Testing uses Django's standard unit testing library. In order to run the tests, use:

python courtfinder/manage.py test search

Code coverage is measured using 'coverage', speficied in the requirements file for the testing environment. In order to run coverage, use:

coverage run --omit='courtfinder/*,*__init__*' --source='.' manage.py test staticpages courts search
coverage run --append --omit='courtfinder/*,*__init__*' --source='.' manage.py populate-db data/test_data

The two lines above runs the unit tests, so it can replace the first command mentioned above. The coverage report is then available by using:

coverage report -m

py.test can also be used to run tests faster:

py.test -n 3

will run the tests using 3 processes. To show the coverage report:

py.test -n 3 --cov . --cov-report term-missing

Environment variables

The application uses the following environment variables.

  • FEEDBACK_EMAIL_SENDER: the from address of the feedback emails sent by the application
  • FEEDBACK_EMAIL_RECEIVER: the email addresses of the recipients of the feedback emails (comma separated)
  • SMTP_USERNAME: SMTP details for sending feedback emails
  • SENTRY_URL: for monitoring. See https://getsentry.com/
  • S3_KEY, S3_BUCKET, S3_SECRET: the populate-db command above either reads the court data from local files or, if those variables are set, from an S3 bucket.