
A sprite animation library for LÖVE

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

What is Love-Imation?

"Love-Imation" is an animation library written for the LÖVE engine.
It helps to make animations with constant framerate of sprites (or any other drawable LÖVE objects), even if the sprites are merged into one spritesheet (by separating it by a special sub-module).

How does it work?

Note: a reference to the library and an example animation are repectively named li and anim in the below text.
Firstly, you need to initialize an new animation table. You can do it by calling li.newAnimation() with the following arguments (in the order as they are stated here, arguments without default values are obligatory):

  1. Frame set table (see below, stored later as anim.frames)
  2. Animation speed (in seconds, stored later as anim.speed)
  3. If the animation will be looping (defaults to true, stored later as anim.isLooping)
  4. If the animation will play after the initialization (defaults to true, initial value of anim.isPlaying)
  5. Start frame (defaults to 1, initial value of anim.frame)
  6. Filter modes (table of arguments, defaults to {love.graphics.getDefaultFilter()} or {'linear', 'linear'} in versions prior to 0.9.0)

Frame and frame set tables

Animation frame set is stored in the array-like order (i.e. with integer ordered keys). After the initialzation, you can also get the table's size by the key 'n'.
After the initalization, each frame set table value must be a frame table standing for arguments for love.grpahics.draw(...). The arguments can be assinged by either their order number or their interal names according to this LÖVE wiki page. After it, the table also has a special metatable returning default values instead of non-setted and binding the string keys to the number ones. While the initalization, frame table can be generated from a drawable object or a string with a filepath to an image.

anim1 = li.newAnimation({"frame1.png", "frame2.png"}, 1 / 30)
anim2 = li.newAnimation({
}, 1 / 30)
--In fact, anim1 is equal to anim2 


Each animation has some variables to process it and to get/change information about it.

  • anim.frame = Current frame number
  • anim.frames = Frame set
    • anim.frames.n = frame set size (faster than #anim.frames)
    • anim.frames.dur = full animation duration (faster than anim.frames.n * anim.speed)
  • anim.time = Time passed after the first frame was shown
  • anim.isLooping = If the animation is looping (starts again after it has finished)
  • anim.isPlaying = If the animation is playing
    • anim:play([...]) or anim.isPlaying = true = Play/resume the animation (anim.time aren't reseted). Can also get other animations to play/resume as arguments.
    • anim:stop([...]) or anim.isPlaying = false = Stop/pause the animation (anim.time aren't reseted). Can also get other animations to stop/pause as arguments.
  • anim.getDuration([to[, from]]) = get time passed between from or 1 starts and to or anim.frames.n finishes
  • anim.getFrameByTime(time[, from]) = get the number of the frame shown while the animation time is equal time + anim:getDuration(from or 1)`
  • anim.getCurrentFrame() = return anim.frames[anim.frame]

Updating and drawing

You can update animations by calling anim:update(dt), where dt is a delta-time (time passed after the previous frame). The calling are recomended to be done by love.update(dt) with its dt as the argument.
You can also draw correctly the current frame with an additional transform by calling anim:draw(...) while drawing. It gets an argument list like love.grpahics.draw(...) gets without the first (drawable) argument. The frame/default values are added to (or multiplies, if they are scale arguments) respective got ones and the functions calls love.graphics.draw(anim.getCurrentFrame()[1], ...).

What is Image Separator ('isep', 'imgSeparator.lua')?

Image separator (imported as li.isep) is a sub-module for croping images and separating spritesheets. It has only 2 functions:

  • li.isep.crop(img, sx, sy, sw, sh[, convert]) = create new ImageData from a rect area from (sx, sy) to (sx + sw, sy + sh) of ImageData 'img' and return it. The new ImageData also are converted to an image before returning, if convert is equal to true (by default, it is). img can be also a string with a filepath to a source image and are replaced by its ImageData while croping. Pixels out of img's size are setted as transparent ({0, 0, 0, 0}).
  • li.isep.separate(img, w, h [, x, y [, ex, ey]][, opt]) = give a frame set from ImageData img by dividing its rect area from (x or 0, y or 0) to (ex or img:getWidth(), ey or img:getHeight()) into wxh sprites. The sprites are added to frame tables with arguments contained in opt, if it's a table, or returned by opt(i, j, w, h), where i and j are dividing loop variables standing for the sprite's left-top angle on the original image, if it's a function.

Which LÖVE versions support the library?

The library are tested in LÖVE 11.1, but you probably can use it in any version of LÖVE.

Under what the library is licensed?

It's licensed under the MIT/X11 license (see LICENSE).