
Aptitude test with to task. First task in task.py in root. Second task in folder task2 (Django ORM project).

First task

The 'Account' user collection contains documents.

        'number': '7800',
        'name': 'Пользователь №',
        'sessions': [
                'created_at': ISODate('2016-01-01T00:00:00'),
                'session_id': '6QBnQhFGgDgC2FDfGwbgEaLbPMMBofPFVrVh9Pn2quooAcgxZc',
                'actions': [
                        'type': 'read',
                        'created_at': ISODate('2016-01-01T01:20:01'),

For these documents, you need to write an aggregation query that will display the last action for each user and the total for each of the 'actions' types. The resulting data should be list of documents like.

        'number': '7800000000000',
        'actions': [
                'type': 'create',
                'last': 'created_at': ISODate('2016-01-01T01:33:59'),
                'count': 12,
                'type': 'read',
                'last': 'created_at': ISODate('2016-01-01T01:21:13'),
                'count': 12,

Second task

There are two data tables: accrual and payment. Both collections have fields:

  • id
  • date (date)
  • month (month)

    It is necessary to write a function that will make a request for payments and find for each payment the debt that will be paid by them. A payment can only pay off a debt that has an earlier date. One payment can only pay one debt, and each debt can only be paid in one payment. The payment must first select a debt with the same month (field month). If there is none, then the oldest by date (date field) debt.The result should be a table of found matches, as well as a list of payments that did not find a debt.


on Ubuntu 20.04 and is compatable with




Clone the repository

git clone https:https://github.com/Alexander671/test_unified_information_system/


Install, using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Makemigrations in Django ORM task

python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate