
Use a DS18B20 to messure the temperature and set the speed of a connected pwm fan

Primary LanguageRust


Control a pwm fan by a DS18B20 temperature sensor. Implemented to use a Seeeduino xiao_m0 board


  1. Connect the fan to the required power and use a logic level converter to connect the pwm pin to a1
  2. connect the DS18B20 to 3.3V power of the XIAO_m0 add a 4.7K Pull-UP and connect the data pin to pin A2

Upload the program. --release is required. Otherwise the onewire interface is not fast enough.


if you connect the usb cable you will get the temperature readings with a \r\n at the end.

Hardware: Seeeduino XIAO

This crate provides a type-safe API for working with the Seeed Studio Seeeduino XIAO.


  • Install the cross compile toolchain rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
  • Install the cargo-hf2 tool however your platform requires

Uploading the software

  • Be in the project directory
  • Put your device in bootloader mode by bridging the RST pads twice in quick succession. The orange LED will pulse when the device is in bootloader mode.
  • Build and upload in one step: cargo hf2 --release
    • Note that if you're using an older cargo-hf2 that you'll need to specify the VID/PID when flashing: cargo hf2 --vid 0x2886 --pid 0x002f --release

Check out the repository for examples.