rotation to uart (AS5600 HALL)

This project is the connector to translate an AS5600 hall sensor output to uart.

  1. The current step is send via uart as u8
  2. Additional information are traced over usb


As soon the position changed, the current step is emitted. In addition, every 2.5 sec the not changed value is emitted again.

If the value do not change for longer than 2.5 sec. The Setup parameters are read, too.


configure the number of steps per resolution with uart and/or usb

Hardware: Seeeduino XIAO

This crate provides a type-safe API for working with the Seeed Studio Seeeduino XIAO.


  • Install the cross compile toolchain rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
  • Install the cargo-hf2 tool however your platform requires

Uploading the software

  • Be in the project directory
  • Put your device in bootloader mode by bridging the RST pads twice in quick succession. The orange LED will pulse when the device is in bootloader mode.
  • Build and upload in one step: cargo hf2 --release
    • Note that if you're using an older cargo-hf2 that you'll need to specify the VID/PID when flashing: cargo hf2 --vid 0x2886 --pid 0x002f --release

Check out the repository for examples.