- SBT is installed and in the PATH
- program uses located in the {project_folder}/src/main/resources  "words.txt" file with dictionary of English words. So this file must be there.
- program tested with SBT 0.13.8 and Scala 2.12.3. Should work with Scala 2.12.0 +

- program uses O(number_of_words_in_dictionary) memory
- program execution time has polynomial complexity over the input length, so for phone number of length >30 it may run for minutes

How to run:
For example you want to run the program on the phone number 27753.
Navigate to the project folder (where build.sbt file is located). Then type
sbt "run 27753"
Program will run and print results in console.

How to run tests:
Navigate to the project folder (where build.sbt file is located). Then type
sbt test
Tests will be executed and test results printed in console.