
This is my resume .

Primary LanguageSCSS

My Resume

This is my resume.


  1. Based on Node v16.14.0;
  2. Change the branch to the masters;
  3. git checkout master to move to the master's branch for development;
  4. npm i to install all the dependencies;
  5. If you don't have the stable network environment, the node_modules is available online.
  6. You can directly place the node_modules from branch libs and no need to npm install at all.
  7. Revise the contents of the resume as you wish in source folder;
  8. Be sure to reference the contents in the source files and place the images into the correct folders so that you are able view them later online;
  9. npm run start to see the changes in the browser, make sure there are no errors;
  10. Open the address shown on console board in the Firefox browser and save the content using the Firefox plugin called SingleFile;
  11. npm run build to build out the fruits into the dist folder, but this dist folder is not going to be the last deployable folder we are to put on our public server, just keep this 'dist' folder as a backup;
  12. git checkout built to go to the branch named built which we deploy on our public server(eg: Github Pages);
  13. Place the HTML file created by SingleFile plugin in the root folder of branch built;
  14. Rename and open the file created by Firefox SingleFile plugin then revise the line of Print Button to the code below:
<button class="actions__btn js-print utl-screen-only has-tooltip" aria-label="Print Résumé" onclick="print()">
  1. Note: Make sure that the images you placed in assets folder is also placed into the assets folder of branch 'built', if not, copy them into it;
  2. ---------------Use Lua5.3 To Run gitPusher.lua On Both Branches---------------
  3. git add . to add all of the files;
  4. git commit -m 'update' to commit the changes
  5. git push -u origin master to push the master's change onto the Github;
  6. git push -u origin built to push the built's change onto the Github(use gitPusher.lua to automatically push the codes if the network is unstable);
  7. Open the Github page to view the result;
  8. git push -u originGitee master to push the master's change onto the Gitee;
  9. git push -u originGitee built to push the master's change onto the Gitee;
  10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Manually click force update on Gitee Pages Services to deploy the latest version of your resume;
  12. Open the Gitee page to view the result.
  13. Note that the dist folder created in this project is not deployable on Gitee pages or Github pages due to some path issues, so use single file instead.


  1. git checkout master to move to the master's branch for development;
  2. Revise the contents of your resume;
  3. npm run start to see the changes in the browser, make sure there are no errors;
  4. Open the address shown on console board in the Firefox browser and save the content using the Firefox plugin called SingleFile;
  5. Copy the images in assets folder;
  6. npm run build to build out the fruits into the dist folder, but this dist folder is not going to be the last deployable folder we are to put on our public server, just keep this 'dist' folder as a backup;
  7. lua gitPusher.lua to push the master branch to the online repository;
  8. git checkout built to go to the branch named built which we deploy on our public server(eg: Github Pages);
  9. Place the HTML file created by SingleFile plugin in the root folder of branch built;
  10. Rename and open the file created by Firefox SingleFile plugin then revise the line of Print Button to the code below:
<button class="actions__btn js-print utl-screen-only has-tooltip" aria-label="Print Résumé" onclick="print()">
  1. Note: Make sure that the images you placed in assets folder is also placed into the assets folder of branch 'built', if not, copy them into the folder;
  2. lua53 gitPusher.lua to push the built branch onto the online repository;
  3. Manually click force update on Gitee Pages Services to deploy the latest version of your resume;
  4. Open the Gitee page to view the result.

Alexander Ezharjan

30th April, 2022