
CosmWasm/Sylvia counting contract w/ IBC enabled (Cosmos, Rust, CosmWasm, Sylvia)

Primary LanguageRust

CosmWasm/Sylvia counting contract w/ IBC enabled (Cosmos, Rust, CosmWasm, Sylvia)

This repository contains counting contract created during the study of CosmWasm/Sylvia and IBC based contracts development for Cosmos blockchains written using Rust.

The IBC implementation attempt on Sylvia is based on https://github.com/0xekez/cw-ibc-example as at the time of writing this the https://cosmwasm.github.io/sylvia-book/ibc.html#ibc section is empty. Moreover Sylvia does NOT support natively IBC, see maintainer comment CosmWasm/sylvia#19 (comment).


Rust library skeleton generated using:

cargo new --lib ./counting-contract
cd ./counting-contract
cargo check


Besides regular dependencies like Go, Rust and CosmWasm binaries, we need additional software to deploy and operate the contracts...

As the IBC relayer is used https://hermes.informal.systems.

cargo install ibc-relayer-cli --bin hermes --locked

To deploy and operate the contracts on Juno we need junod (https://docs.junonetwork.io/validators/getting-setup):

git clone https://github.com/CosmosContracts/juno
cd juno
git fetch --all --tags
git checkout v18.0.0-alpha.2
make install

To deploy and operate the contracts on Osmosis we need osmosisd (https://docs.osmosis.zone/cosmwasm/testnet/cosmwasm-deployment#setup-osmosis-testnet):

curl -sL https://get.osmosis.zone/install > i.py && python3 i.py

Choose option #2 (Client Node) and #2 (Testnet) in order. You may run with sudo but don't forget to chown afterwards...


Aliases in .cargo/config

Built contract to artifacts:

// cargo wasm-debug
cargo wasm
cosmwasm-check target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/counting_contract.wasm

Generate contract schemas:

cargo schema

Build optimized deployment version (run in repository root!):

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
cosmwasm-check artifacts/counting_contract.wasm

Unit Testing

cargo test

Deploying (Testnet)

First we need to configure Juno node:

junod config node https://juno-testnet-rpc.polkachu.com:443
junod config chain-id uni-6

You may explore the testnet tools here: https://polkachu.com/testnets/juno

We will create two Juno wallets first:

junod keys add wallet
// wallet address: juno1dkgs7ymhmnnu3c874wyaakh03jn9l3fes52jxg
junod keys add wallet2
// wallet2 address: juno1qqkj8r6hfqh93jq65jermsmq288je7873jmjh5
junod keys add wallet-ibc --output json > .wallet.junod
// wallet-ibc address: juno1hhfw77usyd6t8y9xuj6xlmqq5nkuqyc9vkcsha
// wallet-ibc explorer: https://www.mintscan.io/juno-testnet/address/juno1hhfw77usyd6t8y9xuj6xlmqq5nkuqyc9vkcsha

Latest faucet working is https://faucet.reece.sh/uni-6/{replace-with-your-address} (e.g. https://faucet.reece.sh/uni-6/juno1hhfw77usyd6t8y9xuj6xlmqq5nkuqyc9vkcsha).

May you want to query wallet balances use junod query bank balances juno1dkgs7ymhmnnu3c874wyaakh03jn9l3fes52jxg

...and create two Osmosis wallets:

osmosisd keys add wallet
// wallet address: osmo1kzd8am90ktcye0yrf7p6z5z4lgz3pg6sp9qu6s
osmosisd keys add wallet2
// wallet2 address: osmo1xdk392u7y36s4fe06eu04e6mt7x4kt5793takz
osmosisd keys add wallet-ibc --output json > .wallet.osmosis
// wallet-ibc address: osmo1fywaxmn73dja3kmd5deuv2gf46ktna6f6el3aw
// wallet-ibc explorer: https://testnet.mintscan.io/osmosis-testnet/account/osmo1fywaxmn73dja3kmd5deuv2gf46ktna6f6el3aw

The faucet address is https://faucet.testnet.osmosis.zone

May you want to query wallet balances use osmosisd query bank balances osmo1kzd8am90ktcye0yrf7p6z5z4lgz3pg6sp9qu6s

We will deploy the contract to uni-6 and osmo-test-5 using junod binary.

First we upload the code:

// Chain A
junod tx wasm store artifacts/counting_contract.wasm --chain-id=uni-6 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox" -b sync

// Chain B
osmosisd tx wasm store artifacts/counting_contract.wasm --chain-id=osmo-test-5 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo" -b sync

To get contract code ID you must query the txhash, e.g.: junod q tx 0C911A8A7790470297CB5A17C2198F2FD5321BCA9DF8B92D62781745EEBD3F37 --output=json and osmosisd q tx 8A8E552A55D24D0068647BEE6B03E04EC069272F341467955E1FABE37720BAFB --output=json

Than we instantiate the contracts on both networks:

// Chain A
junod tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID_A" '{"count":0,"admins":[]}' --label "counting-contract" --chain-id=uni-6 -y --from wallet --admin wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox"

// Chain B
osmosisd tx wasm instantiate "$CODE_ID_B" '{"count":0,"admins":[]}' --label "counting-contract" --chain-id=osmo-test-5 -y --from wallet --admin wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.15 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo"

To get initiation info you must query the txhash, e.g.: junod q tx BF1862AD34C328A30D0CE99DD684E71E015FB2E95D29D55AD603B24A7324EB14 --output=json and osmosisd q tx 197AC7FA66DA0E5E35EDE2F822F8DC6A54DDD5936D28B7812DC2DC7DE3A41414 --output=json

Now we need to query the instantiated contracts:

// Chain A
junod query wasm contract "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A"

// Chain B
osmosisd query wasm contract "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B"

Look at ibc_port_id in the output. Should the contract have IBC entry points enabled it will contain a value e.g. wasm.juno1wjjx974u9j80wazvxsx3ukr85jmazk7szk37qn0kmelu98gl620qwxqxz0

Before starting the relayer we need to configure it:

mkdir ~/.hermes && touch ~/.hermes/config.toml
cat .hermes.config.toml > ~/.hermes/config.toml
hermes config validate

...and generate wallets for relaying:

hermes keys add --chain uni-6 --key-file .wallet.junod
hermes keys add --chain osmo-test-5 --key-file .wallet.osmosis

May you want to query balances use hermes keys balance --chain osmo-test-5 and hermes keys balance --chain uni-6. .wallet.* contain sensitive data— make sure you keep them in .gitignore!

Afterwards, in order to get IBC running we need to create the relayer channel:

hermes create channel --a-chain uni-6 --b-chain osmo-test-5 --a-port "$IBC_PORT_A" --b-port "$IBC_PORT_B" --channel-version counter-contract-1 --new-client-connection

After successfully running hermes create channel you should see smth like:

SUCCESS Channel {
    ordering: Unordered,
    a_side: ChannelSide {
        chain: BaseChainHandle {
            chain_id: ChainId {
                id: "uni-6",
                version: 6,
            runtime_sender: Sender { .. },
        client_id: ClientId(
        connection_id: ConnectionId(
        port_id: PortId(
        channel_id: Some(
        version: Some(
    b_side: ChannelSide {
        chain: BaseChainHandle {
            chain_id: ChainId {
                id: "osmo-test-5",
                version: 5,
            runtime_sender: Sender { .. },
        client_id: ClientId(
        connection_id: ConnectionId(
        port_id: PortId(
        channel_id: Some(
        version: Some(
    connection_delay: 0ns,

Before starting the channel relayer you need to update ~/.hermes/config.toml and add proper channel list (see create channel command output— to allow created channels):

// UPDATE [[chains]]: list = [["wasm.juno1wjjx974u9j80wazvxsx3ukr85jmazk7szk37qn0kmelu98gl620qwxqxz0", "channel-839"], ["wasm.osmo1xz00vhlm7e3ysj9f2v3jtcjpqvectwgdkkxuau8rw290ys087s6qtk24hy", "channel-4347"]]
cat .hermes.config.toml > ~/.hermes/config.toml
hermes config validate
hermes start

Interacting with contracts (Testnet)

Check our counters states on both chains:

// Assuming addresses were set during the steps above...
// CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A=juno1wjjx974u9j80wazvxsx3ukr85jmazk7szk37qn0kmelu98gl620qwxqxz0
// CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B=osmo1xz00vhlm7e3ysj9f2v3jtcjpqvectwgdkkxuau8rw290ys087s6qtk24hy

junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"count": {}}' --chain-id=uni-6
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"count": {}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5
osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5

Let's try to increment counts directly (on Juno):

junod tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"increment_count": {}}' --chain-id=uni-6 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox" -b sync
// Now query the contract on Juno and check results
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"count": {}}' --chain-id=uni-6
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

And use IBC called on Osmosis contract (local channel_id=channel-4347) to increment Juno contract count... remotely!:

osmosisd tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"increment_ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5 -y --from wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo"
// Now query the contract on Juno and check results
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

You might do call increment vice-versa, from Juno using junod tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"increment_ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6 --from wallet -y --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025ujunox" -b sync

...now let's decrease count in Juno contract through Osmosis:

osmosisd tx wasm execute "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"decrement_ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5 -y --from wallet --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.3 --gas-prices="0.025uosmo"
// Now query the contract on Juno and check results
junod query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_A" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-839"}}' --chain-id=uni-6

...after all let's check what happened to Osmosis IBC related states:

osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart "$CONTRANT_ADDRESS_B" '{"ibc_count": {"channel": "channel-4347"}}' --chain-id=osmo-test-5

In case your relayer was not working you might have some ibc_channel_timeouts stored... If not— stop relayer for a while and repeat the steps above; you will see NO increase in counter states on remote contract and ibc_channel_timeouts number increasing with every call to increment_ibc_count or decrement_ibc_count.