
[WIP] Landorade - static website that makes sense

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

[WIP] Landorade - static website that makes sense

Landorade is a tool to cover whole static website life cycle from development to production. It includes convenient tools for developing, managing and deploying SPA to AWS.


  • Git
  • NodeJS >= v8.x.x
  • Terraform >= v0.12.x
  • AWS CLI (configured! w/ credentials)

CMS module is based on Vapid which is installed automatically. It is not mandatory to be used but provides good UI and development and client experience.


  • Clone repository git clone --recursive git@{repository}/landorade.git
  • Access created folder cd landorade
  • Install landorade globally npm install -g .

Generating the website

(since Vapid official version is not supporting statical website builds, we use a fork- https://github.com/AlexanderC/vapid)

Best way to develop and manage your website is using Vapid CMS module.

In case you DO NOT need the CMS module and just want to deploy a developed SPA- jump to Provisioning infrastructure for the website section below.

Initializing the CMS module

To initialize CMS module and generate basic structure run: landorade cms init your/project/path

Starting CMS development server

To start CMS development server run: landorade cms start your/project/path

In order to get guidlines on development visit Official Docummentation webpage.

You can access the website on http://localhost:3000 and the managing dashboard on http://localhost:3000/dashboard/

[WIP] Build static files using CMS module

To build static files run: landorade cms build your/project/path

Provisioning infrastructure for the website

Follow the instructions below to deploy a static website:

(assuming that the domain is example.com and the project is located in your/project/path directory)

  • Initialize landorade init your/project/path (This command will create a landorade.json configuration file)
  • Edit landorade.json to match your project details (e.g. domain, secret or website content folder)
  • Provision AWS infrastructure for the website landorade provision your/project/path

* Without using Route53 as for managing DNS landorade won't be able to validate certificate, thus provisioning whole infrastructure. You'll have up to 2 hours to validate certificate.

Deploying the website

...before deploying, if you are using CMS module run landorade cms build your/project/path to build the static files first...

To deploy* the website run landorade deploy your/project/path.

* By default the website is deployed from dist/ folder in the project root (your/project/path).

The website will be accessible from https://example.com redirecting from www.* alias and http://* protocol. Also an IAM user named example.com-deploy is created that is given deployment access to the S3 bucket containing the site data.

Every time you want to update website run landorade deploy your/project/path.

Undeploying the website

Simply run landorade destroy your/project/path to undeploy the website and destroy provisioned AWS infrastructure.