
My custom config files

Primary LanguageLua

Ott's Dots

This is a collection of my dot (configuration) files.

Quick Start

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install stow git

git clone https://github.com/AlexanderHOtt/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

cd ~/.dotfiles

stow zsh  # To use the zsh config
stow */   # To use all configs

stow creates a symlink relative to your home directory. That's why everything is nested 3 folders deep.

Extra Setup


Install the (very small) plugin manager

zsh <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zap-zsh/zap/master/install.zsh)

Add the following line to your /etc/zsh/zshenv.

export ZDOTDIR=$HOME/.config/zsh

Install any or all of the following

sudo apt install exa fzf batcat

curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | bash
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/main/install.sh | bash
curl -fsSL https://fnm.vercel.app/install | bash