
Launch RabbitMQ server for Windows from USB

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

RabbitMQ portable

Launch RabbitMQ server for Windows without need to install it from USB.

To successfully compile solution you'll need Visual Studio 2005 or compatible. Solution targets .NET 2.0 and application require such framework version installed in order to run. Also, there are good chance that this was already installed but, in case of problems, just to note that Erlang require Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package installed on target machine.

How to quickly start to use portable RabbitMQ ?

  • Download latest release and unpack it somewhere. This zip file already contain RabbitMq server and 32-bit Erlang, so this is all you need and could be started on almost every machine. Start RabbitMqPortable.exe and wait for server to start up. To terminate server simply close window.

How to prepare portable RabbitMQ from scratch ?

If you are not satisifed with version of Erlang and/or RabbitMq server that come in latest release you can simple build your own portable package following those instructions:

  • Copy RabbitMQPortable.exe to some directory on USB stick or hard drive (let's call it RMQP directory)
  • Download RabbitMQ zip from this page and unpack it in RMQP directory.
  • Get Erlang directory and copy it to RMQP directory. Unfortunately there are no zip distribution, so you should install it somewhere, get files and unistall it or take it from your friend computer :) . At the end you should see something like this:
 Volume in drive E is SINDA_HD
 Volume Serial Number is 747B-8319

 Directory of E:\RMQP

30.11.2016.  08:56    <DIR>          .
30.11.2016.  08:56    <DIR>          ..
28.11.2016.  07:41    <DIR>          erl7.2.1
28.11.2016.  07:41    <DIR>          rabbitmq_server-3.6.6
30.11.2016.  07:52           761.856 RabbitMqPortable.exe
               1 File(s)        761.856 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  276.252.303.360 bytes free

  • Run RabbitMQPortable.exe. If everything is fine it should locate erlang and rabbit and run it

How to manage and/or configure portable RabbitMQ server ?

Usually those job are done using rabbitmqctl.bat or rabbitmq-plugins.bat from sbin directory but if you start it directly it will nag that can't find (portable) Erlang. So to get this task done use 'Start console' command from application main menu and use previously mentioned bat files from console window that will be opened.

Where to put rabbitmq.config file ?

Application keep all data into 'data' directory. If this directory don't exist it will be automaticaly created when you start application first time. Put rabbitmq.config to data directory and server should find it.