
Exploiting dummy codes in Elliptic Curve Cryptography implementations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Exploiting dummy codes in Elliptic Curve Cryptography implementations

Some implementations of Elliptic Curve Cryptography rely on dummy point additions to make the implementation constant-time with a regular behaviour. Fault injection attacks can reveal if a dummy point addition occured thus revealing values of secret key bits (those are called C safe-error attacks).

We provide Python scripts to simulate such an attack to recover an ECDSA private key on an implementation of the popular curve P-256 in OpenSSL, with all the mathematical tools in the script ec.py that can be used as a blackbox.

This is done purely as a research project. We recall here that this kind of attack is not in the scope of the OpenSSL threat model according to their security policy. Our goal is to show that it can be dangerous to use a cryptographic library that is not protected against physical attacks in the context of embedded devices or when a malicious person could have access to the device performing cryptographic operations.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


The script has been written for Python 3. It requires the installation of fpylll with the command pip install fpylll, but first there might be the need to install other dependencies (see https://pypi.org/project/fpylll/ for information).

Attack simulation

The script openssl_p256_attack_simulation.py generates signatures using an altered OpenSSL binary such that a computational fault is made during the computation of an ECDSA signature.

Then the second script p256_privatekey_recovery.py checks the signatures and try to retrieve the private key when enough valid signatures are collected, using the mathematical tools of ec.py.

We first give an example how to run the simulation, and then we explain how we modified OpenSSL to simulate the fault.

Running an example

Using a valid openssl binary, a key pair on curve P-256 can be generated using these commands:

$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out privatekey.pem
$ openssl ec -in privatekey.pem -pubout -out publickey.pem

To launch the simulation, run the following command:

$ ./openssl_p256_attack_simulation.py /path/to/altered/openssl privatekey.pem /path/to/signatures number_of_signatures

Where the arguments are

  • /path/to/altered/openssl: the modified openssl binary to simulate the fault;
  • privatekey.pem: the private key to sign the messages;
  • /path/to/signatures: directory where the signatures will be stored;
  • number_of_signatures: number of signatures to generate.

Then, the key can be recovered with the second script:

$ ./p256_privatekey_recovery.py publickey.pem /path/to/signatures

Where the arguments are

  • publickey.pem: the corresponding public key, used to check signatures and if the guessed private key is correct;
  • /path/to/signatures: directory where the signatures are stored.

We give an example below with its output:

$ ./openssl_p256_attack_simulation.py ./openssl_altered privatekey.pem TEST 2200
Signatures and messages will be stored in the directory TEST
Generating 2200 signatures with fault in last point addition...
  ... done
$ ./p256_privatekey_recovery.py publickey.pem TEST
Nb valid signatures:  1 /   74
Nb valid signatures:  2 /  107
Nb valid signatures:  3 /  134
Nb valid signatures: 51 / 1516
Nb valid signatures: 52 / 1570
Recovering the key, attempt 1 with 52 signatures...
Nb valid signatures: 53 / 1612
Recovering the key, attempt 2 with 53 signatures...
Nb valid signatures: 54 / 1640
Recovering the key, attempt 3 with 54 signatures...
The private key is: 5f3e2c2d115fcc3e2e58049746b6c89d8ecb056690247590490b31136c3bda5c
Nb signatures valid: 54
Nb signatures total: 1640

It can be checked that the private key is indeed correct using the following command:

$ openssl ec -in privatekey.pem -text -noout
read EC key
Private-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1

Modifying OpenSSL for fault simulation

Several implementations of the curve P-256 are present in OpenSSL. Our target is the one present in the file ecp_nistz256.c that is based on this work and is present since version 1.0.2 of OpenSSL. It is the default version if the option no-asm is not specified at compilation, and for several architectures (x86_64, x86, ARMv4, ARMv8, PPC64, SPARCv9).

We made two following modifications in the file ecp_nistz256.c. One to introduce a fault on the elliptic curve point addition, and another so that this modification impacts only the last point addition that occurs during the execution.

Point addition

The point addition is implemented in assembly, generated from the perl scripts in https://github.com/openssl/openssl/tree/master/crypto/ec/asm. However, to simulate the attack, we used the implementation reference in the file ecp_nistz256.c that is called ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine that implements the same formulas and has the same characteristics of interest for our attack. We added an instruction to simulate a "random" fault during the elliptic curve point addition:

static void ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine_faulty(P256_POINT *r,
                                                 const P256_POINT *a,
                                                 const P256_POINT_AFFINE *b)
ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(Z1sqr, in1_z);        /* Z1^2 */
Z1sqr[0] ^= 123456789; // "random" fault

Scalar multiplication algorithm

The scalar multiplication algorithm used in this implementation is given in the function ecp_nistz256_points_mul. We added the call to the faulty addition instead of the regular one in the last iteration of the loop:

for (i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
  unsigned int off = (idx - 1) / 8;
  wvalue = p_str[off] | p_str[off + 1] << 8;
  wvalue = (wvalue >> ((idx - 1) % 8)) & mask;
  idx += window_size;

  wvalue = _booth_recode_w7(wvalue);

  ecp_nistz256_gather_w7(&t.a, preComputedTable[i], wvalue >> 1);

  ecp_nistz256_neg(t.p.Z, t.a.Y);
  copy_conditional(t.a.Y, t.p.Z, wvalue & 1);

  if (i == 36) {
    ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine_faulty(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
  else {
    ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);

Compiling the modified OpenSSL

The steps to compile the modified OpenSSL are

$ ./config --prefix=/path/to/alteredopenssl --openssldir=/path/to/alteredopenssl
$ make
$ make install_sw

where the path is where the modified OpenSSL should be installed.

You might checked that the compiled libcrypto library in /path/to/alteredopenssl/lib is linked to the OpenSSL binary /path/to/alteredopenssl/bin/openssl. To verify, on Linux:

$ ldd /path/to/alteredopenssl/bin/openssl

And on Mac:

$ otool -L /path/to/alteredopenssl/bin/openssl

If it is not the case, you can link the library before running the simulation with the command

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/alteredopenssl/lib

How to use the tool in general

The script ec.py can be used in other settings, when a list of signatures where the nonces of the signatures are known to have the least or most significants bits set to 0.

Finding the key from signatures

The main tool is the function findkey that retrieves a private key given signatures generated from nonces that have their l most (or least) significant bits set to 0:

findkey(curve, pubkey_point, signatures, msb, l)


  • curve: an instance of the class curve (see below for more details);
  • pubkey_point: the public key of the signer, given as two integers (x,y);
  • signatures: list of signatures of the form (m, r, s) where m is the integer representing the hash the message, and (r,s) the two components of the signature.
  • msb and l: those parameters tell if the l most significant bits (msb=True) or l significant bits (msb=False) of the nonces in each signature are set to 0.

A class Curve is implemented for elliptic curve computation. Predefined curves are present : secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256r1, secp384r1, and secp521r1 which correspond to the NIST curves P-192, P-224, etc. Other curves can easily be used by giving explicit parameters:

curve = Curve(p, a, b, q, x0, y0)

It corresponds to a curve defined by the equation y2 = x3 + ax + b over the prime field GF(p), and (x0, y0) is the base point or order q.

We warn that the values of the public key and the signatures must be given as integers. This can be done easily in Python3 to convert a sequence of bytes into an integer with the int.from_bytes method. For example, to convert a file into an integer if the hash function is sha256:

int.from_bytes(sha256(open(filename, 'rb').read()).digest(), 'big')

Checking signatures

To check a signature on a curve, the function check_signature can be used:

check_signature(curve, pubkey_point, signature)


  • curve: an instance of the class curve such as secp256r1;
  • pubkey_point: the public key of the signer, given as two integers (x,y);
  • signature: the signature to be checked given as the values (m, r, s) where m is the integer representing the hash the message, and (r,s) the two components of the signature.

Why it works

Details and mitigations are given in the paper on the SSTIC website.