
No samples found in sample directory with specified peptide extension.

shibormi opened this issue · 6 comments

Running EUKulele with command line arguments, as no valid configuration file was provided.
Setting things up...
Could not successfully install all external dependent software.
Check DIAMOND, BLAST, BUSCO, and TransDecoder installation.
No samples found in sample directory with specified peptide extension.

Hi @shibormi can you report your command and the result of listing the files in the specified sample directory?

Hi @akrinos thanks for your response, here are the my commands:

/usr/bin/time -v eukulele_2.0.7.sif EUKulele --sample_dir assembly_fasta/assembly --nucleotide_extension .fasta -m mags --perc_mem 64G --CPUs 32 -d databases/EUKulele -o eukulele 2>&1 | tee Eukulele.log

Hi @shibormi , what is the file extension of the samples in your sample directory?

@akrinos the extention is .fasta

hi @shibormi - could you try also specifying --p_ext .fasta, out of curiosity? uncertain exactly what is going on here

Let me know if there were any updates!