Hexagonal architecture on Spring Boot with PostgresSQL, Liquibase, Testcontainers Restful application starter
- liquibase
- postgres
- rest
- spring-boot
- spring-data-jpa
- starter
- template
- testcontainers
Alexander Lapygin <alexanderlapygin@gmail.com>
- Run a Postgres database from the container:
docker run --name hexagonal_postgres -d -p 5434:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=sa -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=hexagonal postgres
- Build it with maven to generate classes.
mvn compile
will do the job. (in Intellij you may need to reload maven project to find generated classes from thesoap.hexagonal.demo..
package) - Run the main class
as any other Spring Boot application.
The project simulates an online store. Take a look at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
mvnw verify
Licensed under the MIT license