Hexagonal architecture on Spring Boot with PostgresSQL, Liquibase, Testcontainers Restful application starter

Feature tags

  • liquibase
  • postgres
  • rest
  • spring-boot
  • spring-data-jpa
  • starter
  • template
  • testcontainers


Alexander Lapygin <alexanderlapygin@gmail.com>



To run locally

  1. Run a Postgres database from the container: docker run --name hexagonal_postgres -d -p 5434:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=sa -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=hexagonal postgres
  2. Build it with maven to generate classes. mvn compile will do the job. (in Intellij you may need to reload maven project to find generated classes from the soap.hexagonal.demo.. package)
  3. Run the main class DemoApplication as any other Spring Boot application.

The project simulates an online store. Take a look at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Run tests

mvnw verify


Licensed under the MIT license