
Parser for parsing ledger data from Kraken for Portfolio Performance

Primary LanguagePython


Parser for preparing trade data from kraken for Portfolio Performance


  • Ledger data from kraken.com
  • Historical cryptocurrency prices from Portfolio Performance


How does it work?

This parser needs the ledger data exported from Kraken as well as the historical prices of the cryptocurrencies exported from Portfolio Performance. It then groups the transactions from Kraken by ID (e.g. one transaction with ID 123 receiving Bitcoin, and another transaction with the same ID that is spending Euros). For calculating the value of transactions in Euros, the historical prices from Portfolio Performance are used, so that no additional API needs to be implemented. This parser outputs three CSV files, which can then be imported into Portfolio Performance - one file is for all account transactions (e.g. deposits/withdrawals in Euros), one for all depot transactions (e.g. buying Bitcoin) and the last one for staking rewards (which are currently implemented as deposits of the staked currency).

Detailed examples of how the input looks like, and how the generated output looks like, can be found in src/test/process_ledger_test.py.


  • Project is a Work-in-Progress (WIP)

Supported Portfolio Performance Languages

The list of supported languages can be found by checking which messages_$LANG.properties files exist here: https://github.com/portfolio-performance/portfolio/tree/master/name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio


  1. Export all ledger data from kraken
    1. On the kraken website, choose History in the top menu, then Export
    2. Change export to Ledgers, make sure that All fields are exported for your wanted timeframe
    3. Click on Submit and wait until your export is ready (refresh site)
    4. Once status is Processed, click on three dots on the right and choose Download
  2. Export all history crypto rates from Portfolio Performance (PP)
    1. In PP, choose File - Export - CSV...
    2. Scroll to the bottom and choose Securities - All historic rates and choose storage location
  3. Run git submodule init to download the code of Portfolio Performance (necessary for translation files). The list of supported languages can be found by checking which messages_$LANG.properties files exist here: https://github.com/portfolio-performance/portfolio/tree/master/name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio
  4. Run cli.py with the following parameters (see cli.py for help)
    • PP_RATES_FILE historical rates file exported from PP (required)
    • KRAKEN_CSV_FILE kraken ledger export (required)
    • optional parameters (see section "Command Line Arguments")
      • -cm can be used to specify mapping between PP Symbol and Kraken crypto currency abbreviation if they differ
  5. Import the generated CSV files in Portfolio Performance
    • Import transactions_account.csv as account data (it includes deposits and withdrawals and costs for transfers)
    • Import transactions_normal_depot.csv as transaction data (it includes buying and seeling cryptocurrencies)
    • Import transactions_special_depot.csv as transaction data and check the box to transform them to transfers instead of buys

Command Line Arguments

cli.py -h                                          
usage: cli.py [-h] [-cm CURRENCY_MAPPING] [-fc FIAT_CURRENCY] [-ir REFIDS_TO_IGNORE] [-o OUT_DIR] [-do DEPOT_OLD] [-dn DEPOT_NEW] [-a ACCOUNT]

Parse Kraken Crypto Transactions for Portfolio Performance Import.

positional arguments:
  PP_RATES_FILE         portfolio performance rates export
  KRAKEN_CSV_FILE       kraken ledger export csv file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -fc FIAT_CURRENCY, --fiat-currency FIAT_CURRENCY
                        define base currency (def=EUR)
  -ir REFIDS_TO_IGNORE, --ignore-refids REFIDS_TO_IGNORE
                        Comma-separated list of refids to ignore while processing
  -o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
                        Directory to store PP transactions in (def=cwd)
  -do DEPOT_OLD, --depot-old DEPOT_OLD
                        Name of current/old depot (def=DEPOT)
  -dn DEPOT_NEW, --depot-new DEPOT_NEW
                        Name of new depot (target of transfers, def=DEPOT_NEW)
  -a ACCOUNT, --account ACCOUNT
                        Name of account, def=ACCOUNT
  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose mode
  -l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        Language for output (en/de, def=de)


python cli.py -fc 'EUR' -o './output/' -v './input/Alle_historischen_Kurse.csv' './input/ledgers.csv' -cm '{"XBT-EUR": "BTC-EUR"}'

Details for Importing Files into Portfolio Performance




And do not forget to check the following box to import staking rewards and crypto deposits as "deposits" instead of as buy: