
A simple project for tracking your Clojure dependencies in more than just your current `project.clj`

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0




CLJ-Deps is a brute force Clojure dependency inspector. Intended use is to give it a Github Organization (or User) name and then let it build a clj-deps.edn and clj-deps.json file.

It is not efficient, it is not pretty, but it is useful.


NOTE: The following description is NOT as good as the specs actually used in testing everything!!! See here: https://github.com/AlexanderMann/clj-deps/blob/master/src/clj_deps/graph.clj for a full description of the supported format

The clj-deps format has a few key fields:

  • desc : string
    • A description of what you're looking at. No format or recommendation here.
  • at : Date
    • The date at which this graph was built.
  • root : UID
    • The root Node in this graph
    • The presence of this makes chaining graphs very simple. (linked lists anyone?)
  • nodes: Individual dependencies in your org/repo/project.clj

A UID (Unique ID) has the following format:

  • id : [string ...]
    • A vector of string identifiers for a node.
  • type : org|repo|project|version
    • This identifies the type of node you're looking at. ie, is this representing a Github organization, or a Project version, etc.

Nodes have the following format:

  • uid : UID
  • children : [UID ...]
    • A vector of UIDs describing children of this node. ie, things this node depends on
    • The nomenclature here is a little on its head since your children shouldn't be your dependencies...
    • The relationship between a Node and its children is as follows:
      • org Nodes only have repo children
      • repo Nodes only have project children
      • project Nodes only have version children
      • version Nodes only have version children
    • That is, you can purely filter out all Nodes except version Nodes and still get all of the benefit of a clj-deps graph. org, repo, and project nodes provide depth/detail to your graph, and increase the reporting possibilities.

Running it yourself!

The way we use this project is as a docker container in a CircleCI Workflow.

Something like the following in your .circle/config.yml will get you running (and if you don't use CCI, you should be able to decipher usage from the following):

version: 2.0

  version: 2
      - clj-deps
        #  context: org-global # Might be necessary depending on where you dump your CLJ_DEPS__GH__TOKEN

      - image: mannimal/clj-deps:latest
    working_directory: /code/
      - run:
          name: Run CLJ-Deps
          command: /code/run
            CLJ_DEPS__GH__ORG: AlexanderMann
            # CLJ_DEPS__GH__TOKEN: <present in project env vars/org-global context>
      - store_artifacts:
          path: storage
          destination: clj-deps-output

After you get the output in your build, artifacts you can take a clj-deps.json file link and paste it in here to get an awesome graph such as the following:

screen shot 2017-09-18 at 09 59 32

How to get a proper GitHub Token

If you want to run this on your Organization do the following to get the credentials/token you need:


This project works because of:


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.