
As a Full Stack Developer, complete the features of the application by planning the development in terms of sprints and then push the source code to the GitHub repository. As this is a prototyped application, the user interaction will be via a command line.

Primary LanguageJava


As a Full Stack Developer, complete the features of the application by planning the development in terms of sprints and then push the source code to the GitHub repository. As this is a prototyped application, the user interaction will be via a command line.

Project Website


  • Java
  • File Management
  • Command-Line Interface
  • Create, Update, Delete, Search Funcionality


Company Lockers Pvt. Ltd. hired you as a Full Stack Developer. They aim to digitize their products and chose LockedMe.com as their first project to start with. You’re asked to develop a prototype of the application. The prototype of the application will be then presented to the relevant stakeholders for the budget approval. Your manager has set up a meeting where you’re asked to present the following in the next 15 working days (3 weeks):

  • Specification document - Product’s capabilities, appearance, and user interactions
  • Number and duration of sprints required
  • Setting up Git and GitHub account to store and track your enhancements of the prototype
  • Java concepts being used in the project
  • Data Structures where sorting and searching techniques are used.
  • Generic features and three operations:

  • Retrieving the file names in an ascending order
  • Business-level operations:

  • Option to add a user specified file to the application
  • Option to delete a user specified file from the application
  • Option to search a user specified file from the application
  • Navigation option to close the current execution context and return to the main context
  • Option to close the application
  • The goal of the company is to deliver a high-end quality product as early as possible.
  • The flow and features of the application:

  • Plan more than two sprints to complete the application
  • Document the flow of the application and prepare a flow chart
  • List the core concepts and algorithms being used to complete this application
  • Code to display the welcome screen. It should display:

  • Application name and the developer details
  • The details of the user interface such as options displaying the user interaction information
  • Features to accept the user input to select one of the options listed
  • The first option should return the current file names in ascending order. The root directory can be either empty or contain few files or folders in it
  • The second option should return the details of the user interface such as options displaying the following:

  • Add a file to the existing directory list
  • You can ignore the case sensitivity of the file names
  • Delete a user specified file from the existing directory list
  • You can add the case sensitivity on the file name in order to ensure that the right file is deleted from the directory list
  • Return a message if FNF (File not found)
  • Search a user specified file from the main directory
  • You can add the case sensitivity on the file name to retrieve the correct file
  • Display the result upon successful operation
  • Display the result upon unsuccessful operation
  • Option to navigate back to the main context
  • There should be a third option to close the application
  • Implement the appropriate concepts such as exceptions, collections, and sorting techniques for source code optimization and increased performance
  • Use-Case

    • A Command Line Interface
    • Create Delete Search For A File
    • Return Files Alphabetically
    • Keep Your Directory Clean

    File management is the best use case for this type of software. File management is the process of administering a system that correctly handles digital data. Therefore, an effective file management system improves the overall function of a business workflow. It also organizes important data and provides a searchable database for quick retrieval.


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    Technologies Used

    • Java
    • Java


    Alexander Medici

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