
Bootcamp Part 3 Learning Contract

Week 10 | Day 1

Learner: Your Name Here
Date: Today’s Date

I do solemnly swear that I will support my learning initiative against all enemies, bugs and syntax errors; that I will fulfill the requirements of the course; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully commit early and often to this project on which I am about to enter.


  • I will learn by the end of Week 12 through completing a course and building a hackathon project from scratch
  • I will utilize the following course to learn Java:(
  • I will begin the course no later than Day 2 of Week 10
  • I will stay well-hydrated and take regular bathroom breaks
  • I commit to finish the course work by the end of Day 2 of Week 11
  • I will begin working on a hackathon project using on Day 3 of Week 11
  • I will have a completed MVP by Day 5 of Week 11
  • I will ask my peers for help when I get stuck, instead of breaking my keyboard
  • I will have a complete hackathon project by the end of Day 2 of Week 11
  • I will deploy my project on Day 3 of Week 11


If I’m stuck on a problem for more than 20 minutes, then I will get up and take a walk for a couple minutes to clear my head
If I’m thirsty, then I will go drink some water
If I see a cute puppy, then I may go pet it (but for no more than 5 minutes)

Job Function Competencies/Knowledge, Skills and Behaviors

Add your Job Function competencies/Knowledge, Skills and Behaviors that you chose here!