
A trivia app displaying 1 question with a random category

Primary LanguageJavaScript



GOAL: You will be building a Trivia app that will fetch data inside a componentDidMount, pass props to children components, and initialize and update state via this.setState. Together we’ll build the Trivia app to have just 1 question with a random category, but there will be plenty of additional features you can add on your own time!


  • Fork this repo, clone to your desktop, and install dependencies:
    npm install
  • Start the server, and navigate to localhost:1234
    npm run start
  • Lint the JavaScript
    npm run lint


  1. In App.js, fetch a trivia question from the provided API
    • Use the TRIVIA_API constant. console.log() the response from the API to see the structure of the response.
    • Store the response question in state. You’ll have to initialize state for this as well. Since the response from the API will be a complex object, initialize state.question as null, so we can check if a question is present or not.
  2. Use the Question component that’s imported into App and conditionally render it and pass the question on state to it.
    • Note: We’ll have to conditionally render the <Question /> component. If the data from the API has not yet returned and this.state.question is still null, we don’t want to render the component yet.
    {this.state.question && <Question question={this.state.question}} />}
  3. You’ll notice that Question is already rendering an AnswerButton component, but clicking on an answer button doesn’t do anything yet. We need to pass this.handleGuess to AnswerButton.
    • Notice that handleGuess expects a single argument of answer to be passed to it. Figure out how we should pass answer into handleGuess!
  4. Now that we have the question rendering, answer buttons rendering, and an ability to guess an answer, we need to tell the user if they answered correctly or not!
    • In Question below the answers, dynamically render some content!
    • If this.state.guessed is truthy, render a div
  5. Inside the div, if this.state.guess === this.props.question.correct_answer then this means the user answered correctly!
    • Let them know they are correct by rendering a helpful “Correct!” message.
    • If they answered incorrectly, we’ll say Incorrect! The correct answer is _____

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