OpenGL Project

1155063232 Poon Bing Chun

	✓ 3 Viewpoints
	✓ Skybox and light source cube
	✓ 2 light sources
	✓ Fog with 2-colour options
	✓ Normal mapping
	✓ Displacement mapping (craters)
	✓ Phong shading (ADS lighting)
	✓ Self-rotation and rotation around another planet at the same time
	✓ Multiple shading
	✓ Environment shading
	✓ Star trail
	✓ Instanced rendering of asteroids
	✓ etc.

	Key 'a' or 'A':			Set viewpoint to centre of the skybox
	Key 's' or 'S':			Set viewpoint to top of the skybox
	Key 'd' or 'D':			Set viewpoint to vehicle
	Key 'f' or 'F':			Rotate camera westwards
	Key 'h' or 'H':			Rotate camera eastwards
	Key 'g' or 'G':			Rotate camera sorthwards
	Key 'f' or 'F':			Rotate camera northwards
	Key 'q' or 'Q':			Increase diffuse lighting
	Key 'e' or 'E':			Decrease diffuse lighting

	Key 'Esc':				Quit the program
	Mouse cursor:			Move scene
	Key ' ':				Toggle mouse control
	Mouse wheel scroll:		Zoom in/out