
Reimplementation/Port of the lua lpath library to luaj

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


luajlpath is a reimplementation/port of the lua lpath library for luaj.

lpath is a lfs-like Lua module to handle path, file system and file information.

For more information on lpath see https://github.com/starwing/lpath


luajlpath is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.
A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 can be found in the COPYING & COPYING.LESSER files.


  • Java 7 or newer
  • luaj version 3.0.1




In Java:

Globals globals = JsePlatform.standardGlobals();
globals.load(new LuajLPathLib());
//.... (Standart LuaJ from this point)
globals.load(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("test.lua")), "test.lua").call();

In test.lua:

local path = require("path")
print(path("hello", "world"))


mostly copied from https://github.com/starwing/lpath


routine return value description
path(...) string return joined normalized path string.
path.ansi() none set path string encoding to local code page.
path.ansi(number) none set the code page number for path string encoding.
path.ansi(string) string convert UTF-8 string to current code page encoding.
path.utf8() none set path string encoding to UTF-8.
path.utf8(string) string convert current code page encoding string to UTF-8.
path.abs(...) string returns the absolute path for joined parts.
path.rel(path[, dir]) string returns the relation path for dir (default for current work directory).
path.fnmatch(string, pattern) boolean returns whether the pattern matches the string.
path.match(path, pattern) boolean returns as path.fnmatch, but using Python path matching rules.
path.drive(...) string returns the drive part of path.
path.root(...) string returns the root part of path. (\ on Windows, / or // on POSIX systems.)
path.anchor(...) string same as path.drive(...) .. path.root(...)
path.parent(...) string returns the parent path for path.
path.name(...) string returns the file name part of the path.
path.stem(...) string returns the file name part without suffix name of the path.
path.suffix(...) string returns the suffix name of the path.
path.suffixes(...) iteraotr returns a idx, suffix iterator to get suffix names of the path.
path.parts(...) iterator returns a idx, part iterator to get parts in the path.
path.exists(...) boolean returns whether the path is exists in file system (same as fs.exists())
path.resolve(...) string returns the path itself, or the target path if path is a symlink.
path.cwd() string fetch the current working directory path.
path.bin() string fetch the current executable file path.
path.isdir(...) boolean returns whether the path is a directory.
path.islink(...) boolean returns whether the path is a symlink.
path.isfile(...) boolean returns whether the path is a regular file.
path.ismount(...) boolean returns whether the path is a mount point.


routine return value description
fs.dir(...) iterator returns a iterator filename, type to list all child items in path.
fs.scandir(...[, depth]) iterator same as fs.dir, but walk into sub directories recursively.
fs.glob(...[, depth]) iterator same as fs.scandir, but accepts a pattern for filter the items in directory.
fs.chdir(...) string change current working directory and returns the path, or nil for error.
fs.mkdir(...) string create directory.
fs.rmdir(...) string remove empty directory.
fs.makedirs(...) string create directory recursively.
fs.remvoedirs(...) string remove all items in a directory recursively.
fs.unlockdirs(...) string add write permission for all files in a directory recursively.
fs.tmpdir(prefix) string create a tmpdir and returns it's path
fs.ctime(...) integer returns the creation time for the path.
fs.mtime(...) integer returns the modify time for the path.
fs.atime(...) integer returns the access time for the path.
fs.size(...) integer returns the file size for the path.
fs.touch(...[, atime[, mtime]]) string update the access/modify time for the path file, if file is not exists, create it.
fs.remove(...) string delete file.
fs.copy(source, target) boolean copy file from the source path to the target path.
fs.rename(source, target) boolean move file from the source path to the target path.
fs.symlink(source, target[, isdir]) boolean create a symbolic link from the source path to the target path.
fs.exists(...) boolean same as path.exists
fs.getcwd() string same as path.cwd()
fs.binpath() string same as path.bin()
fs.is{dir/link/file/mount} string same as correspond routines in path module.


routine return value description
env.get(key) string fetch a environment variable value.
env.set(key, value) string set the environment variable value and returns the new value.
env.expand(...) string return a path that all environment variables replaced.
env.uname() string, ... returns the informations for the current operation system.


path.info has several constants about current system:

  • platform:
    • "windows"
    • "linux"
    • "posix"
    • "macosx"-> Not supported by luajlpath, it should appear as "posix".
    • "android" -> Not supported by luajlpath.
  • sep: separator of directory on current system. It's "\\" on Windows, "/" otherwise.
  • altsep: the alternative directory separator, always "/".
  • curdir: the current directory, usually ".".
  • pardir: the parent directory, usually "..".
  • devnull: the null device file, "nul" on Windows, "dev/null" otherwise
  • extsep: extension separator, usually ".".
  • pathsep: the separator for $PATH, ";" on Windows, otherwise ":".