origin: https://github.com/sdcb/Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk

Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk - the C# library for the Mattermost API Reference

There is also a work-in-progress Postman API reference.

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 4.0.0
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen

Frameworks supported


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations
Install-Package CompareNETObjects

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] /bin/sh build.sh
  • [Windows] build.bat

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk.Api;
using Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk.Client;
using Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk.Model;


A .nuspec is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.

This .nuspec uses placeholders from the .csproj, so build the .csproj directly:

nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk.csproj

Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.

Getting Started

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk.Api;
using Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk.Client;
using Sdcb.Mattermost.DotNetSdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()

            Configuration.Default.BasePath = "http://your-mattermost-url.com/api/v4";
            var apiInstance = new BotsApi(Configuration.Default);
            var botUserId = botUserId_example;  // string | Bot user ID
            var userId = userId_example;  // string | The user ID to assign the bot to.

                // Assign a bot to a user
                Bot result = apiInstance.BotsBotUserIdAssignUserIdPost(botUserId, userId);
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling BotsApi.BotsBotUserIdAssignUserIdPost: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://your-mattermost-url.com/api/v4

Class Method HTTP request Description
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdAssignUserIdPost POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/assign/{user_id} Assign a bot to a user
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdDisablePost POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/disable Disable a bot
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdEnablePost POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/enable Enable a bot
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdGet GET /bots/{bot_user_id} Get a bot
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdIconDelete DELETE /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon Delete bot's LHS icon image
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdIconGet GET /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon Get bot's LHS icon
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdIconPost POST /bots/{bot_user_id}/icon Set bot's LHS icon image
BotsApi BotsBotUserIdPut PUT /bots/{bot_user_id} Patch a bot
BotsApi BotsGet GET /bots Get bots
BotsApi BotsPost POST /bots Create a bot
BrandApi BrandImageDelete DELETE /brand/image Delete current brand image
BrandApi BrandImageGet GET /brand/image Get brand image
BrandApi BrandImagePost POST /brand/image Upload brand image
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdConvertPost POST /channels/{channel_id}/convert Convert a channel from public to private
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdDelete DELETE /channels/{channel_id} Delete a channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdGet GET /channels/{channel_id} Get a channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/members Get channel members
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersIdsPost POST /channels/{channel_id}/members/ids Get channel members by ids
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersMinusGroupMembersGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/members_minus_group_members Channel members minus group members.
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersPost POST /channels/{channel_id}/members Add user to channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersUserIdDelete DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id} Remove user from channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersUserIdGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id} Get channel member
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersUserIdNotifyPropsPut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/notify_props Update channel notifications
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersUserIdRolesPut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/roles Update channel roles
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdMembersUserIdSchemeRolesPut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/schemeRoles Update the scheme-derived roles of a channel member.
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdPatchPut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/patch Patch a channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdPinnedGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/pinned Get a channel's pinned posts
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdPut PUT /channels/{channel_id} Update a channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdRestorePost POST /channels/{channel_id}/restore Restore a channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdSchemePut PUT /channels/{channel_id}/scheme Set a channel's scheme
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdStatsGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/stats Get channel statistics
ChannelsApi ChannelsChannelIdTimezonesGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/timezones Get timezones in a channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsDirectPost POST /channels/direct Create a direct message channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsGroupPost POST /channels/group Create a group message channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsMembersUserIdViewPost POST /channels/members/{user_id}/view View channel
ChannelsApi ChannelsPost POST /channels Create a channel
ChannelsApi GroupSearchPost POST /group/search Search Group Channels
ChannelsApi TeamsNameTeamNameChannelsNameChannelNameGet GET /teams/name/{team_name}/channels/name/{channel_name} Get a channel by name and team name
ChannelsApi TeamsTeamIdChannelsAutocompleteGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/autocomplete Autocomplete channels
ChannelsApi TeamsTeamIdChannelsDeletedGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/deleted Get deleted channels
ChannelsApi TeamsTeamIdChannelsGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels Get public channels
ChannelsApi TeamsTeamIdChannelsIdsPost POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/ids Get a list of channels by ids
ChannelsApi TeamsTeamIdChannelsNameChannelNameGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/name/{channel_name} Get a channel by name
ChannelsApi TeamsTeamIdChannelsSearchAutocompleteGet GET /teams/{team_id}/channels/search_autocomplete Autocomplete channels for search
ChannelsApi TeamsTeamIdChannelsSearchPost POST /teams/{team_id}/channels/search Search channels
ChannelsApi UsersUserIdChannelsChannelIdUnreadGet GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/unread Get unread messages
ChannelsApi UsersUserIdTeamsTeamIdChannelsGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels Get channels for user
ChannelsApi UsersUserIdTeamsTeamIdChannelsMembersGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/members Get channel members for user
ClusterApi ClusterStatusGet GET /cluster/status Get cluster status
CommandsApi CommandsCommandIdDelete DELETE /commands/{command_id} Delete a command
CommandsApi CommandsCommandIdPut PUT /commands/{command_id} Update a command
CommandsApi CommandsCommandIdRegenTokenPut PUT /commands/{command_id}/regen_token Generate a new token
CommandsApi CommandsExecutePost POST /commands/execute Execute a command
CommandsApi CommandsGet GET /commands List commands for a team
CommandsApi CommandsPost POST /commands Create a command
CommandsApi TeamsTeamIdCommandsAutocompleteGet GET /teams/{team_id}/commands/autocomplete List autocomplete commands
ComplianceApi ComplianceReportsGet GET /compliance/reports Get reports
ComplianceApi ComplianceReportsPost POST /compliance/reports Create report
ComplianceApi ComplianceReportsReportIdDownloadGet GET /compliance/reports/{report_id}/download Download a report
ComplianceApi ComplianceReportsReportIdGet GET /compliance/reports/{report_id} Get a report
DataretentionApi DataRetentionPolicyGet GET /data_retention/policy Get the data retention policy details.
ElasticsearchApi ElasticsearchPurgeIndexesPost POST /elasticsearch/purge_indexes Purge all Elasticsearch indexes
ElasticsearchApi ElasticsearchTestPost POST /elasticsearch/test Test Elasticsearch configuration
EmojiApi EmojiAutocompleteGet GET /emoji/autocomplete Autocomplete custom emoji
EmojiApi EmojiEmojiIdDelete DELETE /emoji/{emoji_id} Delete a custom emoji
EmojiApi EmojiEmojiIdGet GET /emoji/{emoji_id} Get a custom emoji
EmojiApi EmojiEmojiIdImageGet GET /emoji/{emoji_id}/image Get custom emoji image
EmojiApi EmojiGet GET /emoji Get a list of custom emoji
EmojiApi EmojiNameEmojiNameGet GET /emoji/name/{emoji_name} Get a custom emoji by name
EmojiApi EmojiPost POST /emoji Create a custom emoji
EmojiApi EmojiSearchPost POST /emoji/search Search custom emoji
FilesApi FilesFileIdGet GET /files/{file_id} Get a file
FilesApi FilesFileIdInfoGet GET /files/{file_id}/info Get metadata for a file
FilesApi FilesFileIdLinkGet GET /files/{file_id}/link Get a public file link
FilesApi FilesFileIdPreviewGet GET /files/{file_id}/preview Get a file's preview
FilesApi FilesFileIdThumbnailGet GET /files/{file_id}/thumbnail Get a file's thumbnail
FilesApi FilesPost POST /files Upload a file
GroupsApi ChannelsChannelIdGroupsGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/groups Get channel groups
GroupsApi TeamsTeamIdGroupsGet GET /teams/{team_id}/groups Get team groups
IntegrationActionsApi ActionsDialogsOpenPost POST /actions/dialogs/open Open a dialog
IntegrationActionsApi ActionsDialogsSubmitPost POST /actions/dialogs/submit Submit a dialog
JobsApi JobsGet GET /jobs Get the jobs.
JobsApi JobsJobIdCancelPost POST /jobs/{job_id}/cancel Cancel a job.
JobsApi JobsJobIdGet GET /jobs/{job_id} Get a job.
JobsApi JobsPost POST /jobs Create a new job.
JobsApi JobsTypeTypeGet GET /jobs/type/{type} Get the jobs of the given type.
LDAPApi LdapSyncPost POST /ldap/sync Sync with LDAP
LDAPApi LdapTestPost POST /ldap/test Test LDAP configuration
OAuthApi OauthAppsAppIdDelete DELETE /oauth/apps/{app_id} Delete an OAuth app
OAuthApi OauthAppsAppIdGet GET /oauth/apps/{app_id} Get an OAuth app
OAuthApi OauthAppsAppIdInfoGet GET /oauth/apps/{app_id}/info Get info on an OAuth app
OAuthApi OauthAppsAppIdPut PUT /oauth/apps/{app_id} Update an OAuth app
OAuthApi OauthAppsAppIdRegenSecretPost POST /oauth/apps/{app_id}/regen_secret Regenerate OAuth app secret
OAuthApi OauthAppsGet GET /oauth/apps Get OAuth apps
OAuthApi OauthAppsPost POST /oauth/apps Register OAuth app
OAuthApi UsersUserIdOauthAppsAuthorizedGet GET /users/{user_id}/oauth/apps/authorized Get authorized OAuth apps
OpenGraphApi OpengraphPost POST /opengraph Get open graph metadata for url
PluginsApi PluginsGet GET /plugins Get plugins
PluginsApi PluginsPluginIdDelete DELETE /plugins/{plugin_id} Remove plugin
PluginsApi PluginsPluginIdDisablePost POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/disable Disable plugin
PluginsApi PluginsPluginIdEnablePost POST /plugins/{plugin_id}/enable Enable plugin
PluginsApi PluginsPost POST /plugins Upload plugin
PluginsApi PluginsWebappGet GET /plugins/webapp Get webapp plugins
PostsApi ChannelsChannelIdPostsGet GET /channels/{channel_id}/posts Get posts for a channel
PostsApi PostsEphemeralPost POST /posts/ephemeral Create a ephemeral post
PostsApi PostsPost POST /posts Create a post
PostsApi PostsPostIdActionsActionIdPost POST /posts/{post_id}/actions/{action_id} Perform a post action
PostsApi PostsPostIdDelete DELETE /posts/{post_id} Delete a post
PostsApi PostsPostIdFilesInfoGet GET /posts/{post_id}/files/info Get file info for post
PostsApi PostsPostIdGet GET /posts/{post_id} Get a post
PostsApi PostsPostIdPatchPut PUT /posts/{post_id}/patch Patch a post
PostsApi PostsPostIdPinPost POST /posts/{post_id}/pin Pin a post to the channel
PostsApi PostsPostIdPut PUT /posts/{post_id} Update a post
PostsApi PostsPostIdThreadGet GET /posts/{post_id}/thread Get a thread
PostsApi PostsPostIdUnpinPost POST /posts/{post_id}/unpin Unpin a post to the channel
PostsApi TeamsTeamIdPostsSearchPost POST /teams/{team_id}/posts/search Search for team posts
PostsApi UsersUserIdChannelsChannelIdPostsUnreadGet GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/posts/unread Get posts around last unread
PostsApi UsersUserIdPostsFlaggedGet GET /users/{user_id}/posts/flagged Get a list of flagged posts
PreferencesApi UsersUserIdPreferencesCategoryGet GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category} List a user's preferences by category
PreferencesApi UsersUserIdPreferencesCategoryNamePreferenceNameGet GET /users/{user_id}/preferences/{category}/name/{preference_name} Get a specific user preference
PreferencesApi UsersUserIdPreferencesDeletePost POST /users/{user_id}/preferences/delete Delete user's preferences
PreferencesApi UsersUserIdPreferencesGet GET /users/{user_id}/preferences Get the user's preferences
PreferencesApi UsersUserIdPreferencesPut PUT /users/{user_id}/preferences Save the user's preferences
ReactionsApi PostsIdsReactionsPost POST /posts/ids/reactions Bulk get the reaction for posts
ReactionsApi PostsPostIdReactionsGet GET /posts/{post_id}/reactions Get a list of reactions to a post
ReactionsApi ReactionsPost POST /reactions Create a reaction
ReactionsApi UsersUserIdPostsPostIdReactionsEmojiNameDelete DELETE /users/{user_id}/posts/{post_id}/reactions/{emoji_name} Remove a reaction from a post
RolesApi RolesNameRoleNameGet GET /roles/name/{role_name} Get a role
RolesApi RolesNamesPost POST /roles/names Get a list of roles by name
RolesApi RolesRoleIdGet GET /roles/{role_id} Get a role
RolesApi RolesRoleIdPatchPut PUT /roles/{role_id}/patch Patch a role
SAMLApi SamlCertificateIdpDelete DELETE /saml/certificate/idp Remove IDP certificate
SAMLApi SamlCertificateIdpPost POST /saml/certificate/idp Upload IDP certificate
SAMLApi SamlCertificatePrivateDelete DELETE /saml/certificate/private Remove private key
SAMLApi SamlCertificatePrivatePost POST /saml/certificate/private Upload private key
SAMLApi SamlCertificatePublicDelete DELETE /saml/certificate/public Remove public certificate
SAMLApi SamlCertificatePublicPost POST /saml/certificate/public Upload public certificate
SAMLApi SamlCertificateStatusGet GET /saml/certificate/status Get certificate status
SAMLApi SamlMetadataGet GET /saml/metadata Get metadata
SchemesApi SchemesGet GET /schemes Get the schemes.
SchemesApi SchemesPost POST /schemes Create a scheme
SchemesApi SchemesSchemeIdChannelsGet GET /schemes/{scheme_id}/channels Get a page of channels which use this scheme.
SchemesApi SchemesSchemeIdDelete DELETE /schemes/{scheme_id} Delete a scheme
SchemesApi SchemesSchemeIdGet GET /schemes/{scheme_id} Get a scheme
SchemesApi SchemesSchemeIdPatchPut PUT /schemes/{scheme_id}/patch Patch a scheme
SchemesApi SchemesSchemeIdTeamsGet GET /schemes/{scheme_id}/teams Get a page of teams which use this scheme.
StatusApi UsersStatusIdsPost POST /users/status/ids Get user statuses by id
StatusApi UsersUserIdStatusGet GET /users/{user_id}/status Get user status
StatusApi UsersUserIdStatusPut PUT /users/{user_id}/status Update user status
SystemApi AnalyticsOldGet GET /analytics/old Get analytics
SystemApi AuditsGet GET /audits Get audits
SystemApi CachesInvalidatePost POST /caches/invalidate Invalidate all the caches
SystemApi ConfigClientGet GET /config/client Get client configuration
SystemApi ConfigEnvironmentGet GET /config/environment Get configuration made through environment variables
SystemApi ConfigGet GET /config Get configuration
SystemApi ConfigPut PUT /config Update configuration
SystemApi ConfigReloadPost POST /config/reload Reload configuration
SystemApi DatabaseRecyclePost POST /database/recycle Recycle database connections
SystemApi EmailTestPost POST /email/test Send a test email
SystemApi FileS3TestPost POST /file/s3_test Test AWS S3 connection
SystemApi LicenseClientGet GET /license/client Get client license
SystemApi LicenseDelete DELETE /license Remove license file
SystemApi LicensePost POST /license Upload license file
SystemApi LogsGet GET /logs Get logs
SystemApi LogsPost POST /logs Add log message
SystemApi SystemPingGet GET /system/ping Check system health
TeamsApi TeamsGet GET /teams Get teams
TeamsApi TeamsInviteInviteIdGet GET /teams/invite/{invite_id} Get invite info for a team
TeamsApi TeamsInvitesEmailDelete DELETE /teams/invites/email Invalidate active email invitations
TeamsApi TeamsMembersInvitePost POST /teams/members/invite Add user to team from invite
TeamsApi TeamsNameNameExistsGet GET /teams/name/{name}/exists Check if team exists
TeamsApi TeamsNameNameGet GET /teams/name/{name} Get a team by name
TeamsApi TeamsPost POST /teams Create a team
TeamsApi TeamsSearchPost POST /teams/search Search teams
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdDelete DELETE /teams/{team_id} Delete a team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdGet GET /teams/{team_id} Get a team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdImageDelete DELETE /teams/{team_id}/image Remove the team icon
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdImageGet GET /teams/{team_id}/image Get the team icon
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdImagePost POST /teams/{team_id}/image Sets the team icon
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdImportPost POST /teams/{team_id}/import Import a Team from other application
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdInviteEmailPost POST /teams/{team_id}/invite/email Invite users to the team by email
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersBatchPost POST /teams/{team_id}/members/batch Add multiple users to team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersGet GET /teams/{team_id}/members Get team members
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersIdsPost POST /teams/{team_id}/members/ids Get team members by ids
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersMinusGroupMembersGet GET /teams/{team_id}/members_minus_group_members Team members minus group members.
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersPost POST /teams/{team_id}/members Add user to team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersUserIdDelete DELETE /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id} Remove user from team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersUserIdGet GET /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id} Get a team member
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersUserIdRolesPut PUT /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}/roles Update a team member roles
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdMembersUserIdSchemeRolesPut PUT /teams/{team_id}/members/{user_id}/schemeRoles Update the scheme-derived roles of a team member.
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdPatchPut PUT /teams/{team_id}/patch Patch a team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdPut PUT /teams/{team_id} Update a team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdRegenerateInviteIdPost POST /teams/{team_id}/regenerate_invite_id Regenerate the Invite ID from a Team
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdSchemePut PUT /teams/{team_id}/scheme Set a team's scheme
TeamsApi TeamsTeamIdStatsGet GET /teams/{team_id}/stats Get a team stats
TeamsApi UsersUserIdTeamsGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams Get a user's teams
TeamsApi UsersUserIdTeamsMembersGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/members Get team members for a user
TeamsApi UsersUserIdTeamsTeamIdUnreadGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/unread Get unreads for a team
TeamsApi UsersUserIdTeamsUnreadGet GET /users/{user_id}/teams/unread Get team unreads for a user
TermsOfServiceApi UsersUserIdTermsOfServiceGet GET /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.
TermsOfServiceApi UsersUserIdTermsOfServicePost POST /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Records user action when they accept or decline custom terms of service
UsersApi UsersAutocompleteGet GET /users/autocomplete Autocomplete users
UsersApi UsersEmailEmailGet GET /users/email/{email} Get a user by email
UsersApi UsersEmailVerifyPost POST /users/email/verify Verify user email
UsersApi UsersEmailVerifySendPost POST /users/email/verify/send Send verification email
UsersApi UsersGet GET /users Get users
UsersApi UsersGroupChannelsPost POST /users/group_channels Get users by group channels ids
UsersApi UsersIdsPost POST /users/ids Get users by ids
UsersApi UsersLoginSwitchPost POST /users/login/switch Switch login method
UsersApi UsersMfaPost POST /users/mfa Check MFA
UsersApi UsersPasswordResetPost POST /users/password/reset Reset password
UsersApi UsersPasswordResetSendPost POST /users/password/reset/send Send password reset email
UsersApi UsersPost POST /users Create a user
UsersApi UsersSearchPost POST /users/search Search users
UsersApi UsersSessionsDevicePut PUT /users/sessions/device Attach mobile device
UsersApi UsersStatsGet GET /users/stats Get total count of users in the system
UsersApi UsersTokensDisablePost POST /users/tokens/disable Disable personal access token
UsersApi UsersTokensEnablePost POST /users/tokens/enable Enable personal access token
UsersApi UsersTokensGet GET /users/tokens Get user access tokens
UsersApi UsersTokensRevokePost POST /users/tokens/revoke Revoke a user access token
UsersApi UsersTokensSearchPost POST /users/tokens/search Search tokens
UsersApi UsersTokensTokenIdGet GET /users/tokens/{token_id} Get a user access token
UsersApi UsersUserIdActivePut PUT /users/{user_id}/active Update user active status
UsersApi UsersUserIdAuditsGet GET /users/{user_id}/audits Get user's audits
UsersApi UsersUserIdAuthPut PUT /users/{user_id}/auth Update a user's authentication method
UsersApi UsersUserIdDelete DELETE /users/{user_id} Deactivate a user account.
UsersApi UsersUserIdGet GET /users/{user_id} Get a user
UsersApi UsersUserIdImageDefaultGet GET /users/{user_id}/image/default Return user's default (generated) profile image
UsersApi UsersUserIdImageDelete DELETE /users/{user_id}/image Delete user's profile image
UsersApi UsersUserIdImageGet GET /users/{user_id}/image Get user's profile image
UsersApi UsersUserIdImagePost POST /users/{user_id}/image Set user's profile image
UsersApi UsersUserIdMfaGeneratePost POST /users/{user_id}/mfa/generate Generate MFA secret
UsersApi UsersUserIdMfaPut PUT /users/{user_id}/mfa Update a user's MFA
UsersApi UsersUserIdPasswordPut PUT /users/{user_id}/password Update a user's password
UsersApi UsersUserIdPatchPut PUT /users/{user_id}/patch Patch a user
UsersApi UsersUserIdPut PUT /users/{user_id} Update a user
UsersApi UsersUserIdRolesPut PUT /users/{user_id}/roles Update a user's roles
UsersApi UsersUserIdSessionsGet GET /users/{user_id}/sessions Get user's sessions
UsersApi UsersUserIdSessionsRevokeAllPost POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke/all Revoke all active sessions for a user
UsersApi UsersUserIdSessionsRevokePost POST /users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke Revoke a user session
UsersApi UsersUserIdTermsOfServiceGet GET /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.
UsersApi UsersUserIdTermsOfServicePost POST /users/{user_id}/terms_of_service Records user action when they accept or decline custom terms of service
UsersApi UsersUserIdTokensGet GET /users/{user_id}/tokens Get user access tokens
UsersApi UsersUserIdTokensPost POST /users/{user_id}/tokens Create a user access token
UsersApi UsersUsernameUsernameGet GET /users/username/{username} Get a user by username
UsersApi UsersUsernamesPost POST /users/usernames Get users by usernames
WebhooksApi HooksIncomingGet GET /hooks/incoming List incoming webhooks
WebhooksApi HooksIncomingHookIdGet GET /hooks/incoming/{hook_id} Get an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi HooksIncomingHookIdPut PUT /hooks/incoming/{hook_id} Update an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi HooksIncomingPost POST /hooks/incoming Create an incoming webhook
WebhooksApi HooksOutgoingGet GET /hooks/outgoing List outgoing webhooks
WebhooksApi HooksOutgoingHookIdDelete DELETE /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Delete an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi HooksOutgoingHookIdGet GET /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Get an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi HooksOutgoingHookIdPut PUT /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id} Update an outgoing webhook
WebhooksApi HooksOutgoingHookIdRegenTokenPost POST /hooks/outgoing/{hook_id}/regen_token Regenerate the token for the outgoing webhook.
WebhooksApi HooksOutgoingPost POST /hooks/outgoing Create an outgoing webhook

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.