
NeqSim (Non-Equilibrium Simulator) is a library for estimation of fluid behaviour for oil and gas production.

NeqSim NET

NeqSim .NET is part of the NeqSim project. NeqSimNET is a .NET interface to the NeqSim Java library for estimation of fluid behavior and process design for oil and gas production.


See https://github.com/equinor/neqsim. NeqSim can be used via .Net using the same API as via Java. NeqSim is used in .NET by referencing the NeqSim.dll library and the IKVM libraries. The IKVM tool has been used to convert the NeqSim Java library to a .NET dll using the ikmc compiler (ikvmc -target:library -out:"NeqSim.dll" NeqSim.jar).

Examples of how to use NeqSim.NET is seen in the example folder.

Discussion forum

Questions related to neqsim can be posted in the github discussion pages.


NeqSim is distributed under the Apache-2.0 licence.


A number of master and PhD students at NTNU have contributed to development of NeqSim. We greatly acknowledge their contributions.

Authors and contact persons

Even Solbraa (esolbraa@gmail.com), Marlene Louise Lund

NeqSim modules

NeqSim is built upon six base modules:

  1. Thermodynamic Routines
  2. Physical Properties Routines
  3. Fluid Mechanic Routines
  4. Unit Operations
  5. Chemical Reactions Routines
  6. Parameter Fitting Routines
  7. Process simulation routines

File System

neqsim/: main library with all modules

neqsim/thermo/: Main path for thermodynamic routines neqsim/thermo/util/examples/: examples of use of Thermodynamic Models and Routines

neqsim/thermodynamicOperation: Main path for flash routines (TPflash, phase envelopes, etc.) neqsim/thermodynamicOperation/util/example/: examples of use of thermodynamic operations (eg. flash calculations etc.)

neqsim/physicalProperties: Main path for Physical Property methods neqsim/physicalProperties/util/examples/: Examples of use of physical properties calculations

neqsim/physicalProperties: Main path for Physical Property methods neqsim/physicalProperties/util/examples/: Examples of use of physical properties calculations

neqsim/processSimulation: Main path for Process Simulation Calculations neqsim/processSimulation/util/examples/: Examples of use of Process Simulation calculations