Recommendation service

Start up

In order to run service locally execute next commands

./mvnw clean package

java -jar target/recommendation-0.0.1.jar

or you can go with one command:

./mvnw spring-boot:run 

To run the service in docker execute next commands:

./mvnw clean package

docker build -t recommendation-service .

docker run -ti -p8080:8080 recommendation-service:latest


The service has swagger documentation in order to access it - follow the next steps:

# start the service
./mvnw spring-boot:run 

# open next url in browser

Implementation notes and future improvements:

  • The implementation of calculating oldest/newest/min/max for each crypto for the whole month was done based on an assumption each file would have only one month of data, if a user provided wider range the wider would be taken.
  • Following time frames - the last bullet of the part Things to consider was not clear to me, should the recommendation service be able to handle wider range of dates, or does it mean the user should be able to select the time frame filters to get normalised ranges? I went with more simple solution due to lacking of time.
  • I covered the main business service with unit tests: CryptoDetailsService but I have not had enough time to cover the other services and the controller.
  • Last but not least I did an extra mile bullet with application dockerization which was not tough as I do such staff on a daily basis. The last bullet was not implemented for couple of reasons: I would not be able to complete it in time. Based on my expirience such functionality is usually implemented on client-facing side for example following microservice pattern Api Gateway we could keep logic there: Apigee has that under the hood:

Implementing core logic was fun, but in order to finish each part of the task with flexible, extendable and performance friendly code - two days is enough at least for me.