Test GitKraken

Program for encoding, decrypting text

Download the program to your computer and run it
The program can be run from the command line with the following command: node my_ciphering_cli -c "C1-C1-R0-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"

Parameters that can be passed:

1 -c or --config and its value "C1-C1-R0-A" Required parameter
Value (encoding):
-valid ciphers: C1, C0, R1, R0, A
-C1 - encrypt Caesar (shift 1 forward)
-C0 - decrypt Caesar (shift 1 back)
-R1 - encrypt ROT-8 (shift 8 forward)
-R0 - decrypt ROT-8 (shift 8 back)
-A - Atbash cipher (encrypt and decrypt)
-ciphers should be separated -
-the length of the encoding can be any
-fonts can be placed in any order
-only Latin letters are encrypted / decrypted

2 -i or --input and its value "./input.txt" Optional parameter
If the parameter is not specified, then reading is carried out from the console
Value (input file):
-you can use a relative or full path to the file

3 -o or --output and its value "./output.txt" Optional parameter
If the parameter is not specified, then the recording is made to the console
Value (output file):
-you can use a relative or full path to the file

The parameters can be used in any order
Duplication of parameters is prohibited