
Collecting sensor measurements from Xiaomi Mijia bluetooth temperature/humidity sensor.

Primary LanguageXSLT

Xiaomi Mijia bluetooth temperature/humidity sensor

This is an application for collecting sensor measurements from Xiaomi Mijia bluetooth temperature/humidity sensor. It’s based on reading output of hcidump tool and passive scanning of BLE devices with hcitool tool. The description of a protocol used by the sensor is described at the following link: https://github.com/mspider65/Xiaomi-Mijia-Bluetooth-Temperature-and-Humidity-Sensor/blob/master/SensorProtocol.html


  • openjdk-11-jdk

  • bluez

  • bluez-hcidump


./gradlew clean build


  1. Start scanning for BLE devices in passive mode

    hciconfig hci0 up
    hcitool lescan --passive --duplicates

    The hcitool lescan command may fail with various errors, for example: Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error

    You may try to fix it with hciconfig hci0 reset or rfkill unblock bluetooth.

  2. Start the collector specifying MAC address(es) of sensors to monitor

    hcidump -R | ./xiaomi-mijia-bluetooth-sensor 582D3430247C 362D34303089 ...

    The following is example output:


Sensor data visualisation with Grafana

  1. Start collecting data from a sensor dumping measurements into file

    hcidump -R | ./xiaomi-mijia-bluetooth-sensor 582D3430247C 362D34303089 ... | tee -a /tmp/metrics.json
  2. Start several docker containers with docker-compose that will run instances of: Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana.

    SENSOR_METRICS_FILE_PATH=/tmp/metrics.json docker-compose up
    SENSOR_METRICS_FILE_PATH should point to the file where metrics from the application are dumped. This is the file which will be tailed by Telegrag.
  3. In Grafana, add a datasource of type InfluxDB pointing to database created by telegraf

  4. Import the dashboard: grafana-dashbpard.json or just use Explore to monitor temperature measurements:

    Data Source: InfluxDB
    From: defaul xiaomi-mijia-bluetooth-sensor
    Select: field(temperature) mean()
    Group By: time($_interval) fill(null)
    Format as: Time series.
  5. Leave things working for several hours

  6. After several hours you should observe graph(s) full of data

    grafana dashboard screenshot

Misc. references