
CoffeeNet OAuth2 provider

Primary LanguageJava

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CoffeeNet Auth Server

The CoffeeNet Auth Server is an OAuth2 provider to achieve single sign-on for the CoffeeNet. It authenticates against a LDAP-Server. See how to configure LDAP To use the Auth-Server in your application, see README of CoffeeNet Starter Security.


Developer Mode

The Auth-Server can be started in developer mode by setting the property auth.development to true. By doing this, a default client is created during startup. This client can be used to test your application with integration into the Auth-Server.

Details of the default client:

clientId: coffeeNetClient
clientSecret: coffeeNetClientSecret

This can be used in none production environments for testing purposes.

Json Web Token (JWT)

JWT can be signed asymmetrical and the private key will be saved in the Java KeyStore (JKS).

    enabled: false
    jksAlias: 'coffeenet'
    jksPath: 'file:coffeenet.jks'

The JKS is disabled by default. Just provide the path to your jks file that can created with the following command:

keytool -genkeypair -alias ${alias} -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=jwt, L=${L}, S=${S}, C=${DE}" -keypass ${yourSecret} -keystore ${myKeystore.jks} -storepass ${yourSecret}


keytool -genkeypair -alias coffeenet -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=jwt, L=Berlin, S=Berlin, C=DE" -keypass changeit -keystore coffeenet.jks -storepass changeit

The auth.keystore.jksPath property:

  • Must support fully qualified URLs, e.g. "file:C:/test.dat".
  • Must support classpath pseudo-URLs, e.g. "classpath:test.dat".
  • Should support relative file paths, e.g. "WEB-INF/test.dat". (This will be implementation-specific, typically provided by an ApplicationContext implementation.)


To configure the connection to your LDAP-Server just set the following properties inside your application.yml. This example shows the properties to connect with the LDAP-Server provided by our docker container.

    url: ldap://localhost:38900
    base: dc=coffeenet
    userSearchBase: ou=People
    userSearchFilter: uid={0}
    groupSearchBase: ou=Groups
    groupSearchFilter: member={0}


Specify the following properties inside your application.yml. The following example is configures the application to use the mysql database provided by our docker container.

    url: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/${database}
    driver-className: com.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
    username: ${username}
    password: ${password}
    data: ${pathToData.sql}


Logging is provided by CoffeeNet Logging and can be configured by setting properties below coffeenet.logging.* inside your application.yml.

Service Discovery

The Auth-Server uses Coffeenet Service Discovery and is only visible to users with the role COFFEENET-ADMIN.


User Endpoint

/user (Endpoint to retrieve user details)


A access token is needed to get the user details via /user?access_token=${access_token}


Response for human user:

"principal": {

Response for technical user:

"principal": "${username}"

Authorization Endpoint

/oauth/authorize (User authorizes client to access the user endpoint)

Token Endpoint

/oauth/token (Used to get an access token. See access token)

Create a new OAuth2 Client

A user with the role COFFEENET-ADMIN is able to create a new client at http(s)://$host/clients/new.

Access Token

What an access token is for

The access token in CoffeeNet is used to retrieve user/clientdetails from the Auth-server.


  1. System requests content of a CoffeeNet App with an access token. (Header: Authorzitation: Bearer $accessToken)

  2. CoffeeNet App uses access token to retrieve client details from Auth-Server

  3. Auth-Server resolves access token to client details and provides them to the CoffeeNet App

  4. CoffeeNet App provides content based on the returned client details

How to get an access token

There are multiple ways to obtain an access token. In all of them the Resource Owner(User) has to grant the application the access to this token.

The CoffeeNet Auth-Server provides the following grant types:

  • Authorization Code Grant (Used by web apps i.e. most CoffeeNet Apps)
  • Password Grant
  • Client Credentials Grant

Authorization Code Grant

The most common used grant type is the authorization code grant type, since it's the flow that is used for web apps that redirect the user to the authorization server to obtain the token. This flow is the flow you see for example when you visit the coffeenet frontpage.

Authorization Code Web Flow

  1. User navigates to CoffeeNet App
  2. CoffeeNet App checks if session is available for this user
    • YES: continue with step 13
    • NO: continue with step 3
  3. CoffeeNet App sends redirect to Auth-Server (client-id, redirect uri in parameters)
  4. Auth-Server checks if session is available for this user
    • YES: continue with step 7
    • NO: continue with step 5
  5. Auth-Server asks User to enter credentials (Login Form)
  6. User enters credentials
  7. Auth-Server sends redirect back to redirect uri (should be the address of the CoffeeNet App) containing an authorization code in parameters. Users won't event notice this step, if a on auth-server session already exists.
  8. CoffeeNetApp requests token with the given authorization code and its client credentials (meaning client-id and client-secret).
  9. Passes the access and refresh token back to the CoffeeNet App
  10. CoffeeNet App requests user details from Auth-Server with the obtained access token.
  11. Auth-Server passes user details back to the CoffeeNet App
  12. CoffeeNet App Stores user details in a session
  13. CoffeeNet App provides content based on the user details

Password Grant

This grant type is typically used by developers for testing purpose or systems.

Password Grant_Type


System or Developer requests (post) an access token. Request contains:

  • ClientId + ClientSecret as basic auth header:

    Authorization: basic base64(ClientId:ClientSecret)

  • Grant type, username, password and scope in the body:


with header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Auth-Server provides access token if username, password, clientId and clientSecret are correct.

Response looks like this:

  "access_token": "6b311332-f57c-3ee2-a668-57c1db083a5p",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 42837,
  "scope": "openid"

Client Credentials Grant

This grant type is typically used by systems. They request their access token from the Auth-Server and use it as authentication information for requests to any CoffeeNet App.

Client_Credentials Grant_Type


System requests (post) an access token. Request must contain:

  • ClientId + ClientSecret as basic auth header:

    Authorization: basic base64(ClientId:ClientSecret)

  • Grant type and scope in the body:


with header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Auth-Server provides access token if clientId and clientSecret are correct.

Response looks like this:

  "access_token": "6b311332-f57c-3ee2-a668-57c1db083a5p",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 43189,
  "scope": "openid"